Relaxed, texlaxed, Naturals! Help me ya'll! Please!


New Member
I am 3C/4A/4B. I have been natural for two years after relaxing almost all my life. I was waistlength when I BCd. I recently flat-ironed my hair....WHEW! What a relief! I could actually go two or three days without having to baggy and wet, and twist, and ALL the things I have to do to stay as moist as my natural hair needs. I'm moving to Miami in August, and would really like to hold out and see if the humidity helps...But I LOVE this texture. Am I crazy to be thinking of texlaxing or full-blown relaxing?! ALL Responses welcomed! Thanks in advance! :perplexed
Definitely wait till after you move, and wait about two weeks (give your hair time to adjust to the change in humidity) before making any drastic desicions. Your natural hair may just thrive with all of that moisture in the air! But if it doesn't, at least you know that you tried :yep: