Relaxed Regular Co-washers


Well-Known Member
How often do you co-wash? And how do you style/wear your hair afterwards?

Anybody co-wash often AND wear their hair straight?

I co-wash every other day..

I do Co-wash and wear my hair straight some times.......... I just use the extra large rollers and dry under a dryer or air dry and then wrap....I mostly where braid-outs and buns....
I co-wash daily and I style my hair in a pinned up french braid. If I want to wear a straight style I ponytail rollerset.
I co-wash every other day..

I do Co-wash and wear my hair straight some times.......... I just use the extra large rollers and dry under a dryer or air dry and then wrap....I mostly where braid-outs and buns....

I did this for the first time last night. Surprisingly, it turned out pretty good. My roots aren't straight, but that's cool cuz it gives me some volume.

I try to cw 2-3 times per week. I usually do one big braid for the night, and put it in a bun or loose ponytail in the morning.
I'm going to start cowashing this Sunday, everyday initially, and I plan to just wrap my hair with setting lotion and pulling it down the next day. Anybody on here does this? Or does anybody have a temp color like Jazzin and co-wash?? I would think it would strip the color maybe?
I did this for the first time last night. Surprisingly, it turned out pretty good. My roots aren't straight, but that's cool cuz it gives me some volume.

I try to cw 2-3 times per week. I usually do one big braid for the night, and put it in a bun or loose ponytail in the morning.

I like the volume too...but for straighter look I flat-iron only the roots
How often do you co-wash? And how do you style/wear your hair afterwards?

Anybody co-wash often AND wear their hair straight?


Whenever I feel that my hair is dry and really doesn't need shampoo, but just a light cleansing from the condish. So, I'd say I cowash 3 outta every 4 washes in the winter, and 50/50 in the summers. I will cowash less often if I feel like I experienced build up. At this point, I am not really on a schedule per se, I see and listen to how my hair/scalp feels.

Rollersetting is my main style. And I'll silk wrap it to staighten.

Whenever I am lazy or do not want to manipulate too much, I airdry with a scarf. Then I'll either wear it in a bun or recently started to blowdry roots followed by a flat-iron.
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