Relaxed & Natural ladies: What do you do with your thirsty, crispy, and dry ends?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I know that I've been on this board for 9 years, but I've never had the patience to grow my hair past bra-strap length. I say that I will grow it out, and then I trim my fro when my ends get super dry.

Here is my issue >>> I HATE IT when my ends feel dry and crispy, so instead of working through this issue of dryness I grab the scissors instead. I do not have split ends and my ends do not appear to be damaged.

I am natural, I'm very happy with my hair routine.
My hair is about 14"-16" from root to tip & I have natural 4AB hair.

What do you guys do when the ends of your hair get super dry and crispy?
What is your remedy for thirsty ends?
Tresseme Naturals + coconut Oil + water in a spray bottle. Plus I co-cleanse 3-4x's a week, so I don't have dry hair issues anymore..unless I use a garbage product. Using Tresseme Naturals really boosted my hairs moisture though.
Tresseme Naturals + coconut Oil + water in a spray bottle. Plus I co-cleanse 3-4x's a week, so I don't have dry hair issues anymore..unless I use a garbage product. Using Tresseme Naturals really boosted my hairs moisture though.

Thank you Diva,

I'll give it a shot. I'm so sick of trimming my hair whenever the ends get dry.
Whatever dc you love, super duper pack it onto your ends when you dc. I don't do the whole distribute product evenly, I put it on heavier where it's needed. The back of my hair and all of my edges are 4a, I notice those areas need way more heavy dc'ing then the rest of my hair. So I apply my dc very heavy on all my 4a and on my ends.

I use the shea moisture anti-breakage masque to dc but there's plenty of other products. Whatever you use just dont be shy with it.
U could try adding SAA to ur DCs and/ moisturising spray

adding ceramides to ur routine. pre-poos, dc's , sealing etc

do you use sulfates or silicones? Maybe you could try cutting them out and seeing if it makes a difference.

sealing when damp with a heavier oil or ceramides

Oil rinses

dusting instead of trimming

If your hardcore, you could hide your hair, wear more buns wear hair friendly fabrics.

I keep my bushy ends, and wait till I trim( every 6 months), I wear mostly curly stlyes so I can mask them very easily by sealing with a heavy butter or castor oil.
How often do you moisturize? I don't think you should wait for your ends to feel dry to moisture. You should consider a moisturizing routine. My hair is super dry. I have to do it once a day or my hair start to break.
Keen said:
How often do you moisturize? I don't think you should wait for your ends to feel dry to moisture. You should consider a moisturizing routine. My hair is super dry. I have to do it once a day or my hair start to break.

I moisturize my ends a little each day. I use the ORS olive oil in a jar. My ends seem the driest after I wash and condition. It maybe time for a protein treatment followed by a deep moisturizing treatment. I haven't had a really deep treatment in a couple of months.
NappyNelle said:
Heavy sealing! If your regular moisturizer isn't cutting it, add castor oil on top.

I'll give it a shot. I am not a huge fan of oils because i hate greasy hair, but I do love the morrocan oil thou.
It might be frizz I had that same problem 2 months ago I dont seal anymore but moisturizing daily helped
Tonight I'm gonna wash, Aphogee 2 step, and deep condition & use some coconut oil on my ends. I hope it works because Im trying to gain some patience and make it past bra strap length.
I use Claudie Balanced Ends moisturizer and it works great . Also prior to that i spritz A tiny amount of watered down leave in .
Tonight I'm gonna wash, Aphogee 2 step, and deep condition & use some coconut oil on my ends. I hope it works because Im trying to gain some patience and make it past bra strap length.

If your hair is like mine, it doesn't matter What you put on it if you're not using protein regularly. My hair rejects moisture if I don't do a weekly protein DC.
you said ur happy w/ur reggie but ur hair is maybe switch things up a bit. Concentrating on the length and ends of my hair i apply: a leave-in,a moisturizer,and finally a thick oil to seal. If u dont slather a whole bunch then your hair will not be greasy and oily,and your ends will thank you.
I moisturize my ends a little each day. I use the ORS olive oil in a jar. My ends seem the driest after I wash and condition. It maybe time for a protein treatment followed by a deep moisturizing treatment. I haven't had a really deep treatment in a couple of months.

You said your hair is the driest after your wash/condioning process. Your hair should actually be at its most moist after the wash/dc process. I used deal w/the same thing, it felt the worst after I washed it. It turns out that just means you have not found the right products yet. Particularly, your deep conditioner should be strong enough to conquer your dryness for the week. I now use Aubrey Organics GPB or HSR; and do an oil rinse w/castor oil. Daily water spritzes and sealing jbco/castor oil are great for maintaining moisture on your ends. But your weekly deep conditioner should handle the bulk of the problems.
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I wash DC w/ a moisturizing DC and then I rollerset. If my ends are still crispy after a rollerset then I know I need a good trim.
Now that I've started dusting with each tu my ends don't get dry and crunchy.

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The only thing that keeps moisture on my ends is after misting my hair with water/avj, coating with moisturizer and sealing with coconut oil, I twist and bun. Bunning has kept my ends very moisturized for up to many days.
beauti said:
you said ur happy w/ur reggie but ur hair is maybe switch things up a bit. Concentrating on the length and ends of my hair i apply: a leave-in,a moisturizer,and finally a thick oil to seal. If u dont slather a whole bunch then your hair will not be greasy and oily,and your ends will thank you.

Yes, I think it's time to change up the routine a bit. I love my products, but I may need to do a little extra now that my hair is longer.
I second Tresemme Naturals- Nourishing Moisture.
My ends were just feeling crispy today (protein overload) and I did a quick wash with this and they already feel a LOT better.
All the moisturizing and sealing just did not work for me after the protein overload, but did much better today.
I second Tresemme Naturals- Nourishing Moisture.
I'll third this. My hair doesn't take to moisture shampoos/conditioners:perplexed but it LOVES Tresemme Naturals shampoo.:grin: As long as I moisturize daily and seal occasionally the entire shaft from root to tip I have no problems with crispy, dry ends.
Aviah said:
I second Tresemme Naturals- Nourishing Moisture.
My ends were just feeling crispy today (protein overload) and I did a quick wash with this and they already feel a LOT better.
All the moisturizing and sealing just did not work for me after the protein overload, but did much better today.

Since they reformulated the has been Jesus in a bottle for my hair! I like the shampoo to! My staples!

Nothing but pure moisture. And everytime i talk about it...i wanna go buy more bottles of it! :grin:

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I used Aphogee & deep conditioned my hair. Yikes I'm having serious issues with protein overload. Now I need to start another topic. SMH!
How do you DC? With heat? I started DCing under a wig. The wig tightened the shower cap on my head and generated heat. I kept the on my head for half a day. my hair is SOFT. Including my naughty ends.
Since they reformulated the has been Jesus in a bottle for my hair! I like the shampoo to! My staples!

Nothing but pure moisture. And everytime i talk about it...i wanna go buy more bottles of it! :grin:

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Yup...I got 4 bottles in the stash, and every time I see it I pick up another two bottles. My hair is now at moisture Max!

OP, just use this as a leave in, and I'm sure your hair will be just right. I do an overnight protein DC, and the next day I co-cleanse and use TNNM as a leave-in. During the week, I spray my hair with it. By the end of the week my hair has been so moist it Needs the protein.
How do you DC? With heat? I started DCing under a wig. The wig tightened the shower cap on my head and generated heat. I kept the on my head for half a day. my hair is SOFT. Including my naughty ends.

I deep condition with Dermorganic Hair Masque. I put on a plastic cap, and cover my hair for a couple of hours. I need to get the moisture back into my hair ASAP! I guess I'll go back to one of my old routines of mixing conditioners with oils and honey.

This sucks!
I wanna chop off a couple of inches.