Relaxed my hair today PICS!


Well-Known Member
So, I was 14 months into my transition but decided that relaxing was just easier for my lifestyle and that I like wearing my hair straight more than I did curly. I relaxed my hair today. It was awesome to get to see how much its grown since last year. My goal is to be really close to BSL by the end of this year/early next year. I will keep wearing mostly protective styles and will not be using hair elastics but instead will use the ouchless plastic clips. I wear ponytails so often that I get breakage from elastics. I'm also going to keep up my regime of weekly deep conditioning and 2x per week cowashing. I started using a sulfur mix but havent been consistent with that and I'm not sure I'll keep that up.

Ok, pics....the first is from Jan. 1st 2011, the 2nd & 3rd is from today.

*Edited to change 14 weeks to 14 months


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Your hair is beautiful and you've had some great growth. Do you self-relax or go to a salon?
^^^ Thank you :)....I go to the salon. I'm gonna try to stretch my relaxers to every 16 weeks since I plan on keeping it in Protective styles most of the time and want to keep heat off of it as much as possible.
Yeah, that's the one thing I like when I stretch. Seeing the difference in the length of my hair. Looks nice OP.
Very nice! With all the transitioning and natural hair on the boards recently, it's nice to see some beautiful, healthy relaxed hair in the mix!
That's cool you decided to relax because it works for your lifestyle, that's the same reason I decided to go natural!:yep:
Keep up the good work, your hair looks great, especially those thick ends!!:drunk:
why am i wearing the same shirt as in your first pic? lol my eyes almost bugged out! you got it from target?

pretty hair and wonder relaxer results!
Lol I was just considering texlaxing! Same point as you but I'm not in straight hair mode (if I were I would probably do the same lol) so I'm hanging in a little longer. HHG!