Relaxed Ladies who wear their hair out daily...

How often do you wear your relaxed hair out in a week?

  • 7 days a week

    Votes: 26 27.7%
  • 5 or 6 days

    Votes: 20 21.3%
  • 3 or 4 days

    Votes: 11 11.7%
  • Less than 3 days

    Votes: 37 39.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
...or almost daily. I would like to know a few things from the relaxed ladies who wear their hair out most of the time:

How many days a week do you wear your hair out?
How's your length retention?
How often do you use heat?
Do you moisturize and seal your ends daily?

Feel free to add any other info.

Thanks ladies!
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I probably wear my hair out 5 out of 7 days of the week. I just prefer my hair down. I'm not happy in buns and other styles that hide my length, and I'm on this journey to enjoy my hair every step of the way.

When I'm getting closer to wash day I'm more inclined to throw it up in a claw clip. My length retention is on point if I do say so myself. :lol: I relax every 12 weeks (just did this past Friday) and notice a considerable difference in length with each relaxer. I moisturize and seal my hair twice a day and only use direct heat after a fresh relaxer. After that I just airdry in braids after each wash. I'd definitely point to airdrying as an important key to my retention despite wearing my hair out all the time. HTH!
...or almost daily. I would like to know a few things from the relaxed ladies who wear their hair out most of the time:

How many days a week do you wear your hair out?
How's your length retention?
How often do you use heat?
Do you moisturized and seal your ends daily?

Feel free to add any other info.

Thanks ladies!

I wear my hair out for one entire week, then I protective style the following week.
Im currently BSL and I retain length pretty well by doing a search and destroy method often and being consistent with my regimen
I use heat (blow drying and flat ironing) every 2 weeks, on wash days, after deep conditioning, applying my leave in and heat protectant
I only moisturize and seal on protective style week..lately Ive just been moisturizing during that week..
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How many days a week do you wear your hair out? 5-7 days a week, depending on how much I have to go out.

How's your length retention? Great, better than when I was moisturizing my hair with 50-11 products! :grin: I hate buns and ponytails. :sad:

How often do you use heat? Trick question. Before, every wash day I'd use a blow drier with a comb attachment. That technique gave me super straight hair that did not need a flat-iron. If I flat-ironed my hair after, it would just be overly straight and limp so I never bothered to anymore. Anyway, my retention was great. Now I've decided to see if I can save more length if I air-dry and my hair air-dries pretty much the same way but with a tad more volume since the comb attachment helped to glide my hair into a super straight style. I don't know if I'm retaining more now or before but air-drying saves time since I'm LAZY. :yawn:

Do you moisturized and seal your ends daily? Nope, I don't apply products after the washing and conditioning stage. I rely on good conditioners to pretty much keep my hair smooth and intact, this helps my hair from snagging which helps not to give me breakage. Right now, I'm co-washing to use up my products and possibly provide my hair with more moisture but I'm on the fence about how I feel about it. Most likely, if I'm still unsure about co-washing, after I use my products I'll go back to just shampoo and conditioner since my old method was just fine.

Extra information? At home I try to keep my hair up and under a net to protect it. I don't like my hair down at home, it's unnecessary if I have to clean and it keeps me hot. :ohwell: When I shampoo and condition my hair only, I do it every 7-10 days. With co-washing now to finish my stash, I try to do it every 3-4 days. :look:

Edit for more information :look: :lol:: My hair isn't invincible, it does break but nothing drastic and major to cause me to have negative progress. I owe my hair's resistance to conditioners to keep it snag-free, moisture/protein balancing, stretching relaxers, and protecting it before sleeping. If I were to help a newbie with haircare, I would not advise them to do what I'm doing. :look:
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How many days a week do you wear your hair out? Depends on how the weather is, how my hair looks, etc. I pin curl nightly and try to wear it out every day, but it doesn't always work out well. That's why I chose 5-6 days.

How's your length retention? So far so good. I've only been wearing my hair out a lot for the last six months. I haven't seen any negative effects.

How often do you use heat? Once every three weeks on wash day.

Do you moisturized and seal your ends daily? Pretty much. I may miss one day a week or so.

SN: I'm also texlaxed. I never relax bone straight, but I straighten my hair EVERY wash day, which is once every three weeks, if not all of my hair, then I at least straighten the roots.
How many days a week do you wear your hair out?
i wear my hair out 5 days of the week
How's your length retention?
Its great, I got my hair cut 3months ago from MBL to just above MbL and now my hair is already back to MBL,about to hit WL
How often do you use heat?
I dont use heat too often i only straighten my hair when i have the urge to or when im going to a special or formal event. I wear braidouts 90% of the time
Do you moisturized and seal your ends daily?
yes,but im looking for a new moisturizer because it seems like my hawaiin silky 14 in 1 has stopped working for me
I'm not relaxed, but I'm really curious to see more responses. Seems like a lot of ladies are opting to wear their hair out and enjoy the journey
HOW MANY DAYS DO YOU WEAR YOU HAIR OUT?i only wear it out (straight) in the fall and winter but when i do I get about 5 days leaving it loose and then 2 days in a pony tail.

It's been great. Texlaxing instead of relaxing bone stright has made a tremendous difference on the strength of my hair. ( i transitioned,big chooped, and then texlaxed months later). The length of my hair is currently just past WL.

I typically use a blowdryer and flat iron once a week but sometimes Ill wait 2 weeks and just do buns and pony tails the 2nd week

The only thing I do is leave the ends coated with conditioner before drying it. I don't seal or add any oils. In the spring/summer I use more oils/leave in conditioners because you can't tell it's in while it's curly. For this reason my hair is at it's BEST when i first start straightening it in the fall again.

ETA: i clicked 3-4 days on accident. Sorry!
SUB. great question OB. I love wearing my hair down and for some reason everyone has yelled at me to put it up if I want retention. This is great to find out ways to be able to keep my SL hair down and still be able to get to APL in the next few months.

Any ladies have any advice on protecting the ends when they rub up against your clothes and cause breakage? I'm asking bcuz I hear thats how one is unable to retain length bcuz of the ends touch the clothes.

Interesting thread :yep:! I'm not relaxed, but I have a question for you guys. I noticed that, for most of you who volunteered the information, that you're past SL already. Did you leave your hair out prior to making APL, MBL, BSL, etc., or not until after you'd reached those lengths? I ask just because it seems like getting past SL is the hardest part. Just curious, and lovely hair all!
I wear my hair out 6-7 days a week. My retention is great, my hair had flourished. I wear it down in pin curls to protect my ends. I am currently almost APL from SL in 5 months. Protien and DC does wonders. I think my forehead looks weird with my hair up.

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I just went from natural to relaxed again, but even before I wore my hair out just about everyday. I went to clips and buns and whatnot as I got into a longer stretch. My hair is only NL now, so I'm wearing it out everyday.

My length retention was on par with my growth rate.

I use heat monthly or twice a month.

I do not moisturize and seal my hair daily. I don't need to. The less product I add to my hair during the week, the fresher my style stays. I simply pincurl and tie on a scarf.
Kinda OT: Prior to LHCF, I was wearing my hair out daily. Never moisturized/sealed and retained decently. My hair back then varied from SL to slightly above APL. My retention is slightly better with protective styling. I say slightly because I don't feel that I had a major problem with retention/growth before LHCF. Now that I'm a part of LHCF, I think in some ways I caused personal setbacks and did more harm than good with trying things I would have never considered prior to LHCF. Overall, I prefer protective styling as it gets my hair out of my face and out the way when I'm at work. On the weekend, I occasionally wear it down.
I don't wear my hair out every day (but plan to start soon). I did wear it out all day yesterday (blow dried and flat ironed). I steamed the night before and I swear my hair has never stayed this moisturized all day when out like it did yesterday....I now swear by steamers especially for the moisture retention. (I was able to see the difference as I didn't get the very back of my head under the steamer and the feel of the hair there is very different from the rest).
How many days a week do you wear your hair out? 5-6 days a week.
How's your length retention? My length retention is pretty good. I see progress each time I relax.
How often do you use heat? I flat iron my hair once every 6-8 weeks.
Do you moisturize and seal your ends daily? Yes, I moisturize and seal every night before tying my hair up in a satin scarf/bonnet.

I did not start wearing my hair out until I got past shoulder length.
Interesting thread :yep:! I'm not relaxed, but I have a question for you guys. I noticed that, for most of you who volunteered the information, that you're past SL already. Did you leave your hair out prior to making APL, MBL, BSL, etc., or not until after you'd reached those lengths? I ask just because it seems like getting past SL is the hardest part. Just curious, and lovely hair all!

I did. When i started trying to revive my hair and started my transition to natural I was neck length. I had the same exact routine except I wore a hair piece over a bun in the summer because it was too short and only 1/4 natural so it looked a mess.

I actually straightened it MORE though since it took so little time.
Now I just get lazy because it takes me 4 hrs to do.

BEFORE my lhcf days I relaxed it with super strength relaxer every 4 weeks and straightened it every week all yr long and the longest I could get it was apl.

ETA: my hair does better when lose. Too many ponytails & buns tend to give me more breakage.
Interesting thread :yep:! I'm not relaxed, but I have a question for you guys. I noticed that, for most of you who volunteered the information, that you're past SL already. Did you leave your hair out prior to making APL, MBL, BSL, etc., or not until after you'd reached those lengths? I ask just because it seems like getting past SL is the hardest part. Just curious, and lovely hair all!

Good question, because I was a protective styler until I hit APL. From then on is when I decided to change my regimen because I wanted to enjoy the length I had gained.
uh hu, I said before that once I get to APL I am wearing my hair out whenever I feel like it which will be often. I see that it does not cause length retention to slow down. Any women I have seen in real life with hair APL or longer does not keep their hair hidden in a bun (not that theres anything wrong with that, I just plan on enjoying my hair).

I cant wait to be like you ladies :D
I wear my hair out 80% of the time and protective style a day or 2 before wash day....I do think I might've/will reach my hair goals more quickly if I protective styled more, but I want to enjoy my if that means taking a little longer...I'm okay with it....
I just went from natural to relaxed again, but even before I wore my hair out just about everyday. I went to clips and buns and whatnot as I got into a longer stretch. My hair is only NL now, so I'm wearing it out everyday.

My length retention was on par with my growth rate.

I use heat monthly or twice a month.

I do not moisturize and seal my hair daily. I don't need to. The less product I add to my hair during the week, the fresher my style stays. I simply pincurl and tie on a scarf.

Nothing to add to the thread at the moment but Your Cheeziness threw me off!!! :blush: I didn't know you relaxed! It looks so freaking good in your fotki :cloud9: But yeah, I digress... :drunk:
@newbeginnings2010 - were you full APL when you changed up the regi? My nape is not full APL yet is why I ask.

No, I was just barely there. My first siggy pic is where I said the heck with it and started wearing my hair out. I'm just barely at APL there as well.

Now, I am a bit heavy-handed with the scissors, which is why I'm not showing much growth progress for a year of growing. I self-trimmed in December. I'm avoiding the scissors for the next year to see how far I can get.
How many days a week do you wear your hair out? Depends on week but avg 3 times a week.

How's your length retention? Excellent retention. I've reached every hair goal in a decent amount of time. I must say prior to reaching BSL, I did alot of bunning because I did not like to way my hair look'd in a braidout. I also probably straigthen my hair more frequently (once a month). Now, I wear more braidouts and straigthen way less. I can enjoy my length without as much heat and straighten just takes too long.

How often do you use heat? Now, once a month to blowdry straight. In the past, I use to do the same but I used double heat, blowdry AND flat iron with both on high heat.

Do you moisturize and seal your ends daily? YES and YES. I also put water on my scalp at least every 3 to 4 days in some capacity.
I started protective styling 2 weeks ago cause I keep reading the transition from SL to APL is the hardest hump to get over. Well its only been 2 weeks and I'm bored already (i do updos).

Anyone has a way to get me out of constant protective styling, I'd love to hear about it


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Interesting thread :yep:! I'm not relaxed, but I have a question for you guys. I noticed that, for most of you who volunteered the information, that you're past SL already. Did you leave your hair out prior to making APL, MBL, BSL, etc., or not until after you'd reached those lengths? I ask just because it seems like getting past SL is the hardest part. Just curious, and lovely hair all!

the shortest my hair has ever been is APL and the only reason for that was because i got it cut.I have always worn my hair out, i like to enjoy my hair....and i also have a big head so i get kinda self-conscious when my hair is in a bun/tied up lol. although i wear my hair out a lot i make sure i take good care of my ends. I get it trimmed after every touchup,fortunately i dont have a scissor happy stylist. however, i tried to go 5-6months without getting my ends trimmed which resulted in uneven&split ends and an unwanted hair that im about to hit WL i make sure i trim my hair every 3-4 months so the same thing doesnt happen again
I can't wait till my hair reaches APL, let alone SL. I think that once my hair reaches apl, I will lessen up on protective styles and wear my hair out more freely.
What products are you ladies using to moisturize and seal? Does it weigh the hair style down? Just wondering... Was trying to find a combo that still keeps it swinging :-)