Relaxed Ladies.... Pre/During/Post Relaxer Advice Please.


New Member
On Tuesday, I have an appt to get my touchup (approx. 13 weeks post); I have for the first time in my life PREPARED to get a relaxer. A few days ago, I did a protein treatment, which consisted of eggs & AO GPB. My hair felt really strong after that.

Is there anything else I should do pre/during/post my relaxer?

BTW – I use Phyto Index 2.

Thank you ladies!!!!!
I cannot wait to hear more responses. My next relaxer is scheduled for 12/24/08, and I want to be prepared this time. It's time for me to take charge of the condition of my hair!
Make sure the length of your hair is coated in conditioner or oil like pp said, to avoid overlapping.

Do a protein treatment then a moisturizing dc afterwards. Don't know if that's possible at a salon, but it doesn't hurt to ask :)
I always clarify and DC with heat about a week before.

I wait about 4 days post then shampoo with neutralizing shampoo, wash with moisturizing shampoo then DC with heat...always with heat.
On Tuesday, I have an appt to get my touchup (approx. 13 weeks post); I have for the first time in my life PREPARED to get a relaxer. A few days ago, I did a protein treatment, which consisted of eggs & AO GPB. My hair felt really strong after that.

Is there anything else I should do pre/during/post my relaxer?

BTW – I use Phyto Index 2.

Thank you ladies!!!!!

The week b4 my relaxer i do a strong protein like Nexxus Emergencee....The day i relax i put on a sebastians Cellophane to have nice rich color (is a deposit only chemicals)

and after i deep condition lots