Relaxed Ladies ONLY... who tried the Brazilian Keratin Treatment? Get in Here!!


Active Member
Hey ladies!:hiya:

Found this Youtube video, which showed a relaxed haired woman applying the BKT that she bought from Ebay. I was disappointed that this video and/or a followup video was made showing her results a few weeks after. Relaxed ladies, please post your results, experience, pros, cons, and/or recommendations regarding the BKT on relaxed ladies.

It may be wishful thinking, but I'm hoping applying BKT on my relaxed hair will reduce even more frizz. I'm planning on exercising alot more (meaning frizz city) and would like to limit my amount of heat. Please chime in ladies. I need your help.


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I used my BKT treatment on relaxed hair now. I'm not sure I'm understanding frizz on relaxed hair, though. What frizz. I have decided to BKT my relaxed hair to keep my hair strong, i.e. keratin, protein, blah, blah, blah. You know, protection.

I believe that people are under the assumption that BKT extends your hair some how to stretching relaxer application. That simply is not the case, at least for me. BKT just continue to keep my hair healthy and blinging. Ya got to wear shades. LOL.

If your trying to eliminate heat usage and frizz, maybe BKT will be a waste of time if those are your incentives. It will however definitely benefit the health and feeling of your hair. Leaving it silky smooth with little to no additional product necessary.
I also have a lot of frizz with my relaxed hair so I feel you Reecie and I was considering this as well so Bumping this for more answers. :)
im not relaxed, but my friend bkt'd over a relaxer (i think in september) and her hair still looks really good...its still long and strong and swangin and blingin not sure how much heat she uses when styling, but it air dries pretty straight
I used BKT over my relaxed hair. I can't say that it elimated frizz, but I believe that the health of my hair has improved. I've still had to tough up with a relaxer since doing my BKT and it hasn't been 3 months yet. I've noticed a lot of new growth, but honestly I'm not sure that it's anymore than I normally have.