Relaxed ladies.. how do you detangle your braidouts?


New Member
So i detangled my week old braidout last night and omg....knots and tangles galore! I had to go in and finger detangle for the most part... I sadly had to cut two tiny knots out...How do you ladies detangle ur braidouts without losing too much hair? Is a week too long to wait to comb your hair? For some background...I am attempting the stretching thing and trying out low manipulation to see if it will get me further.. im seven weeks post and aiming for 10
I usually lightly coat my hair in conditioner(or my pre-poo mix) then finger comb my braid-out as I apply. Then if I am heavily in my stretch, I twist or braid each section..then wash in sections which helps with tangling issues.
BUT Regardless what style I have, my actual detangling (with a comb) takes place after I have deep conditioned my hair which is the final step in my wash process.
I never had to detangle my bradiouts. Are you combing it out dry? For me, washing in out in the shower worked then I could condition and comb through with my shower comb as usual. If this won't work for you maybe do an oil rinse and then detangle.
uhm... i'm clearly not relaxed but detangling is detangling for everyone amiright?? :yep:

anyhoo, i second what MsDee14 above is saying and i only do heavy detangling when my hair is coated w/ condish. but whereas this step is her final, when i know i have to get knots out i will DC before a wash instead of waiting till after. and if my hair is already knotted or matted up i don't even bother with it since i'll only break it. i just put on a great DC that i know melts my tangles and just wait it out. after DC with heat for 45m-1hr (or overnight if i really made a mess of things) i can comb my tangles out with ease.

this always always works for me. the most difficult thing is just to find a dependable DC that makes your tangles cringe in fear ;o)

ETA: oh, i don't think you kept your braidout too long. i think a week is the maximum tho and i wouldn't go w/ an out style for longer than that w/out at least finger detangling in between. a week is perfect i think.
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If you plan on wearing a braidout for more than a couple days, I find it helpful to apply a moisturizer and oil then lightly detangle (fingers or a wide tooth) and re-braid every night before going to bed.

This way you handle tangles alot better, especially right before wash day and your braidouts will remain fresh and moisturized throughout the day.
Same as everyone upthread, I only detangle my hair with conditioner during my cowash or dc sessions. I think you're a bit confused. I don't comb at all when I'm wearing a braidout. Once the braids are set, I wear them out. I re-braid my hair in bigger sections at night inorder to maintain the style. I'll rock it like this for a week before I cowash/dc again. Beware though, when you detangle your hair after wearing it in the style, you're gonna have "alot" of hair in the comb. This is usually shed hair from a lack of combing during the week.
Girl, my hair is always so tangled and sometimes I have to cut knots out too, but I think the knots are mostly just shed hair anyway, because I don't really see any damage as a result of it. I put coconut oil towards the ends of my hair each day, so usually by the time I wash--like 4 days or so--my hair is still tangled but there's enough oil in my hair to where the knots and tangles are loose and they don't get worse when my hair gets wet. And then I detangle my hair after I wash it and I have conditioner in. It takes a while and I lose what looks like a lot of hair (people freak out :look:) but it's just hair that would have shed daily, anyway.

I agree with the posters who said they don't comb the actual braidout.
I don't comb my hair when I do a braidout either. I use my hands at night to detangle a little bit and to moisturize and seal before braiding/twisting it overnight. In the morning I undo the braids and use my fingers again. At the end of the week, I shampoo and deep condition my hair and don't comb through my hair until I deep condition. Hope this helps!
since your in ny and the air is cold and crisp..when your ready to detangle..steam your hair a bit..and rebraid..the ny air/wind kinda makes hair crisp...

as mentioned above applying some oil or a product that will soften up the hair prior to detangle works wondersss..

also great to pay attention to the fall/winter products you are putting in your hair...because due to the weather change the summer braidout products may not work in the fall/winter...
I detangle the day before wash day with a large detangling comb. What I discovered is that detangling is so much easier and I experience miminal breakage when I do not braid my hair to the very ends. I will use a perm rod or flexi rods on the last two inches of my hair for each braid.
I wear my braidouts for about a week and each morning I'll moisturize my hair and put oil on my fingers to do some light detangling. I like to get a few shed hairs out. On wash day I do this more thoroughly in clipped off sections before wetting my hair. I wash in braids now too (loose at the scalp and ends) to prevent extra tangles.

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Thanks ladies for all the tips... I tried coconut oil and thats a keeper. Im loving the ease of doing braidouts... Hopefully next time I wear it straight i dont notice damage...
I detangle by spray misting hair until damp or wet. I detangle on wash day, so I might do an oil pre-poo or add conditioner and proceed to whatever I'm gonna do.
Same as everyone upthread, I only detangle my hair with conditioner during my cowash or dc sessions. I think you're a bit confused. I don't comb at all when I'm wearing a braidout. Once the braids are set, I wear them out. I re-braid my hair in bigger sections at night inorder to maintain the style. I'll rock it like this for a week before I cowash/dc again. Beware though, when you detangle your hair after wearing it in the style, you're gonna have "alot" of hair in the comb. This is usually shed hair from a lack of combing during the week.

No i only comb when im redoing the braids