Relaxed…help detangling issues!


Active Member
Okay, when I look at the relaxed heads of hair on YouTube that do not have issues with detangling (i.e., fgrogan, Truth is Hair, etc.) I can’t help but wonder what I’m doing wrong. Both of these ladies and many more make detangling look like it’s nothing and they lose very little hair so much so that it’s almost non-existent, but when it comes to detangling my own BSL relaxed hair (at 16 weeks post), it’s a tangled mess and quite a chore to get through. I cannot seem to find the right products to make this process easy and to help the comb glide through my hair with ease and without having a hand full of hair when I’m done. What am I doing wrong?

This is what I do (1) I try to finger comb first, then (2) I either shampoo or co-wash with moisturizing products (i.e., Trader’s Joe Shampoo and conditioner or Eulecense MB). I must say after using these products my hair is very soft but the length of my hair seems to want to tangle around each other either creating matting or knotting. It’s very frustrating. I haven’t tried to wash with a detangling shampoo or use a detangling spray before the process, so my plan is to use CON detangling shampoo and afterwards spray my hair with Mane N Tail Detangling spray. If this doesn’t help, I don’t know what will.

Can you ladies offer any suggestions for making this process easier and keeping my hair on my head and not in my hands?

Your suggestions are very much appreciated!

Idk, detangling spray didn't seem to do much for me at all and I didn't like how my hair felt once it dried with the detangling spray in my hair. I used the Silken Child detangler.

I think what will help me once I'm several weeks post is doing my entire wash day process in braids. There's a YTer that showed her braided hair wash process, I think her name is alraines. Eliminating shampoo has also lessen my tangles so far. I now use Hair One (Olive One) but I haven't been using it for long at all so the true test will be when I'm several weeks post.

ETA: I can't detangle at all when my hair is wet, I lose entirely too much hair. So when I'm not several weeks post, I finger comb and do a gentle detangling on dry hair in sections before I even wet my hair. Once I'm done with my wash day process, I let my hair airdry about 50-75% of the way and do a true detangling session on damp hair. I've been contemplating trying to always wash in 4 braids though.
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Hello, I know what you are talking about. I got tired of losing so much hair detangling while its wet. But I've found several solutions recently. Using apple cider vinegar rinse as my last step after cowashing just melted away the tangles. I did not rinse it out. It was a quart of water to about a tablespoon of non filtered organic acv. Last nite I did I dc on dry hair with CON (orange container) and used Elasta QP with olive oil as a leave in. No hair in comb and no tangles. I hope you find what works for you. HHG!
I learned about Kenra Moisturing conditioner on this site. It's wonderful at detangling. I let it sit on my hair about 5 minutes before I work through it with a wide tooth comb/pick. But I can feel it soften immediately when I put it on. I also use IC (intercellular leave in moisturizer) with aloe. I like the way it feels and it helps detangle also. But I haven't gone that long post relaxer, just so you know. I did use the Kenra on my daughters hair , she hadn't had a relaxer in about 6 months. She had been wearing braids and it worked great on her hair. It was so easy to comb through and she has thick hair. Good luck.
I'm texlaxed and my hair tangles much easier now than when I was relaxed bone straight. I wash in braids and get no tangling. Try washing in braids.
What are you using to DC? It sounds like you are using shampoo and trying to comb then, is this correct? I think you should do a nice creamy DC and then try detalngling with that in and also when your rinsing it out.
My daughter's hair used to tangle something awful, but once I started using a steamer to DC her hair, the tangles just melted away.
I'm texlaxed and my hair tangles much easier now than when I was relaxed bone straight. I wash in braids and get no tangling. Try washing in braids.

I also wash in 6-8 braids. I usually braid beforehand. No tangles really.

Other things I suggest:
1. Cold cold as you can take
2. Dilute your poo with water before putting it on your head,
so your not doing a lot of rubbing for lather
3. Don't flip your hair around every which way...
that's why braids are a HUGE hit...keeps your hair orderly

I used to have the same issue, but everything's all good in the hood now.
I'm texlaxed and my hair tangles much easier now than when I was relaxed bone straight. I wash in braids and get no tangling. Try washing in braids.

:yep::yep: This helps with tangles, and is especially helpful with tenderheadies:grin: like me. Before locking I would complete my whole hair routine using 6-8 ponytails (wash, condition, dry, flat-iron). It helps me I retained a lot of length doing this. :grin:

The enclosed pic shows one of the ponytail methods I used, (most of my hair was in 2ST's and I was doing a "stretch" & air drying). If you're going to blowdry just leave the ends loose.

Also, recommend detangling hair saturated with shampoo or conditoner under running water, and doing so in the direction that the water flows (be it the sink or shower).

BTW If I use the rubberbands pictured, I remove them by breaking them away.


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I have this problem too and my hair is relaxed pretty straight. I don't remember a time when my hair was "easy" to comb through. I've seen YT vids. where the girl combs straight through root to ends fairly easily with only a few strands in the comb. I am not so fortunate.

I've used Kenra with a steamer and it is a pretty good mix, but I'm still looking. Elucence Moisture Repair Treatment is new in my rotation. I am able to comb fairly easily with it.

One thing I stopped doing was wet combing. I only comb when its at least 50% dry. Unlike when I was natural, I have less tangles when my hair is mostly dry.

Kerastase Vita-Ciment makes my hair very easy to comb.
**Sebastian Light is wonderful also. :yep: - Try this one.
You're 16 weeks post relaxer, so your tangling issue is more related to the texture of your 16 weeks of newgrowth than any product. If you are a 4b like myself, I do not recommend relaxer stretches longer than 12 weeks because the demarcation between your newgrowth and your straight old relaxed hair is too fragile. The straighter your newgrowth (ie. hair types less than 4b), the longer you can have a relaxer stretch with less breakage.

Without any additional info from you, I would say that your hair breakage is a sign that it is time for you to relax lest you lose even more hair. Also, you have BSL hair which requires patience in and of itself just due to length.

Good luck :)
I use detanglers to help with my texlaxed hair. My favorite is GVP The Detangler which I buy from Sally's. It is the generic version of the Paul Mitchells one. While I am putting that stuff in my hair I can feel the tangles melting away.
I use to have a horrible tangling and use to waste ton of conditioner to untangle my hair. My sister had the same problem. So she told me about using Motions Deep Penetrating Conditioner and now I call this stuff my emergency quick tangle reliever.

Personally I never liked Motions products because the relaxer never worked on my hair and the mineral oil their products have in them. But after my sister slapped this stuff into my tangled BSL hair one night " my tangles slipped loose". Now unfortunately this products has Mineral oil as the 2nd ingredient, so I only use this when I have tangling issue which usually happen 8-10 weeks post relaxer, and after using it I always do a diluted shampoo to ensure all mineral oil is gone.

Give it a try, you may be surprised.
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I didn't read through all the suggestions but check out these links --

I tangle a lot and I list my detangling process in post #3 in the below link. I use MNT Detangling Spray but see that you mentioned you've used this. Check out my process, it may help you. I truly think it's the process the assists with tangling more than the prods used. Or least that's what I found for me.
To keep my hair from tangling I do the following.

1) Use mane and tail detangler and finger comb thru prior to washing
2) Once I have finished washing and conditioning my hair, I squeeze out the extra water, spray my newgrowth, edges and ends with Joico leave in reconstructor and then put my hair in my hair turbie while I dry off.
3) About 5-10 minutes under the hair turbie my hair is no longer soaking wet, its kindof damp and feels soft yet strong enough to detangle. I then apply my serum leave-in and then detangle in sections.

Sometimes I do still have tangles, especially if Im far in my stretch but nothing that bad. The key for me is:

1) detangling prior to washing with a detangling spray
2) allowing my hair to dry some before coming
3) applying leave-ins that keep the hair strong & smooth