Relaxed heads who use Karen's Body Beautiful


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
I'm thinking or trying the Hair Milk, Hair Nectar and Super Silky. How do you all like these products? Would the Nectar or Super Silky be good for rollersets?

I love sweet scents, so I think I wanna try Luscious Pear, Cranberry Cocktail and Coco Lime. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I've been using the hair milk and the nectar, I haven't yet tried the Supersilky. So far I use the hair milk as a moisturizer after I take my rollers out and it's done a pretty good job. The nectar I use for twists and stuff like that because it's thicker. I use coco lime and pom. guava. The coco lime smells really sweet, I was standing in the daggone store and I didn't even bother smelling the other scents b/c I fell in love, lol.

ETA: I'm not relaxed but when I rock my hair straight it keeps it nice. I used the hair milk on my relaxed friends head once and she actually liked it. I think she's been sneaking using it too. HTH
when i was relaxed my ends hated the hair milk. i woke to hard ends. but my natural hair loves the hair milk. though i've never used it before it seems to me that the super silky would be wonderful for rollersets.
I'm relaxed/Texlaxed. I tried the butter and was not happy before. But I admit I gave the Hair nectar a try yesterday. I'm hooked. Bouncy soft touchable hair.
I've been using the hair milk and the nectar, I haven't yet tried the Supersilky. So far I use the hair milk as a moisturizer after I take my rollers out and it's done a pretty good job. The nectar I use for twists and stuff like that because it's thicker. I use coco lime and pom. guava. The coco lime smells really sweet, I was standing in the daggone store and I didn't even bother smelling the other scents b/c I fell in love, lol.
ETA: I'm not relaxed but when I rock my hair straight it keeps it nice. I used the hair milk on my relaxed friends head once and she actually liked it. I think she's been sneaking using it too. HTH
Thanks for the review!!!! Now you're making me really wanna try the Coco Lime scent, I'm a sucker for sweet smellin hair products :D
when i was relaxed my ends hated the hair milk. i woke to hard ends. but my natural hair loves the hair milk. though i've never used it before it seems to me that the super silky would be wonderful for rollersets.
Yeah, I think the Super Silky could be my new best friend when I rollerset. Just the name: Super Silky

Mmmm, sounds so good!
I'm relaxed/Texlaxed. I tried the butter and was not happy before. But I admit I gave the Hair nectar a try yesterday. I'm hooked. Bouncy soft touchable hair.
Okay, I HAVE to try the Nectar! I saw your review in another thread and your hair looked great!

I figured I wouldn't like the butter because my hair doesn't like oils :perplexed It sure does sound good, though!