often do you trim?


New Member
I am beginning a new phase in my hair life and was wondering how often do you ladies, particularly relaxed-heads, trim. As you may or may not know I was seeing Marvin who used to trim my hair every relaxer which ended up being every six weeks
(And I wonder why my hair has looked the same length for six months). Before that I used to visit the infamous Natacia at Joseph's who trimmed every other relaxer. That sounded more reasonable, but I was wondering how often you ladies trimmed.

I don't wear my hair down so I get little breakage and I pay close attention to my ends. I was leaning more towards the trim-every-other-relaxer method.

Another motive behind this post is that I am sitting here with my daily planner on one hand and a print out of the lunar hair schedule on the other and am trying to plan out when I will relax and trim. This is what I do with my time 8-hours a day
Hi Pumpkin

I really don't have a "set" timeframe for trimming. I just take a look at my hair & if I see splits then I trim. Every other touch up sounds good though
Hi Pumpkin

I really don't have a "set" timeframe for trimming. I just take a look at my hair & if I see splits then I trim. Every other touch up sounds good though

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Ditto. 2-3 times per year is usually good enough for me.
Me too. I trim every other realxer ONLY if I need to and that depends on how long I was able to wait between touchups (so if I can only go eight weeks because I had a lot of growth I'll wait an extra touch up to trim). Roughly it ends up being twice a year and no more.
Learned that the hard way....
do you all trim yourselves? how much more or less should a good pair of shears cost? i don't want to get something cheap and too blunt, but i don't want to overpay if i don't have too. anyone seen those shears at sally's for lke $25-30? are they any good?
Me too. I trim every other realxer ONLY if I need to and that depends on how long I was able to wait between touchups (so if I can only go eight weeks because I had a lot of growth I'll wait an extra touch up to trim). Roughly it ends up being twice a year and no more. Learned that the hard way....

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You're telling me. Here I am thinking my frequent trims are gonna make my hair spectacular and the only thing it did was prolong this mullet on myhead
Pumpkin girl I went from shoulder to chin length more times than I care to count. Actually for the first year and HALF of my growing out journey I did this every 4-6 months or so. I lost those inches seveal times over...I'd probably have 6 or so extra inches today had I learned sooner....

::singing:: you are not alone....
I just came out of wearing weaves/braids for six months and my ends were not split or damaged at all (IMO and my hairdresser's) so I haven't trimed my ends since september. So I was able to keep all 3 inches of growth. I will probably trim with my next relaxer (early July). Trimming is over rated and an excuse to gt another $5-20 on a regular basis.
I only trim as necessary. I am definitely not into going by a time schedule. As long as I'm going for length the less I trim the better. I think trimming the bad ends, expose the previous hair which are now more susceptible to more damage because there's no longer a buffer. Right now, I've just been dusting and once I reach brastrap I will even it all up.

Get a good pair of scissors dedicated to trimming your hair only. Jade and Allandra recommended a pair from Goody which can be found at Wally World. It's about $6.
I trim my hair every relaxer (1/4"-3/4"). I usually relax every six to eight weeks depending on how much new growth I have. My hair has grown a lot, although it seems to be taking a while. Based on everyone else's responses, I may be trimming too much.
Get a good pair of scissors dedicated to trimming your hair only. Jade and Allandra recommended a pair from Goody which can be found at Wally World. It's about $6.

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Wally World? Never heard of it. Do they have an online store?
Get a good pair of scissors dedicated to trimming your hair only. Jade and Allandra recommended a pair from Goody which can be found at Wally World. It's about $6.

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Wally World? Never heard of it. Do they have an online store?

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Sorry about that girl, it's Wal-Mart
i trim only when needed, which is usually 1/8 - 1/4" every 6 months or so.

lilbits, if you're wearing protective styles, i'm like 90% certain that's too often. the more you wear it down though, the more you need to trim. however, every 6-8 weeks is way too much IMO. think of it this way... if a person's hair grows 1/2" per month, and they trim 1/2" every two months, it will take them twice as long to reach their goal because they're taking two steps forward and one back. ya know?
Every time i get my hair relaxed. I do this because my hair is damaged, when I get rid of the damage (healthy hair, i cant wait), i may do it infrequently or trim 1/4 every time i relax.
I trim as needed. I've been bad about wearing my hair down or in ponytails too much. I've since decreased this.

The last trim I had was twelve weeks and it was very little, almost 1/4" in the back, a little more in the front (1/2")..

I would just trim when you see split ends.

Dag, Adrienne..I wanna be just like you...
I don't trim my hair. If I see a split end I will take care of that individual hair but otherwise I don't let scissors come near my hair.
I trim on a as needed basis, but I'm slowly trying to even my hair up. So, I've been trimming close to every 10-12weeks. And, then it's only a light dusting
. I advise if you can trim yourself. I don't trust anyone w/ scissors in they hands by my head
I don't think I trim, so to speak but I may "snip" uneven/split ends off bi-weekly if I think they need it.
I used to get trims every 6-8 weeks, and then I was wondering why my hair was getting shorter and shorter.
Now, I am thinking about doing the trim thing every other touch-up, or every 3rd touch-up, since I prefer to get my perms every 6-8 weeks. I may start stretching out both times though.
I'm going to start doing my own trims as needed. Only prob, when I go to my stylist she will still probably try to insist that it needs trimming. i imagine the following scenario:

Me- "Please don't trim this time, I just did a self trim at home.
Stylist--" Well, I still see damaged ends. You must not have trimmed enough."

Me- " I have been carefully maintaining my ends and haven't seen a problem."

Stylist- (getting angry and rolling eyes) " Well you are going to damage your hair by doing it yourself. Don't cry to me when your ends are damaged."

Oh well, I will probably suffer her wrath for doing my own and not allowing her to trim. But my hair has gotten longer since Feb.(last time I let her trim).