Relaxed Hair w/ Lots of Body


New Member
Okay, don't know where to start really. First off I want to say that I am natural about 95% natural. My last relaxer was about Thanksgiving time last year. I have grown my hair out to sl probably, maybe longer.. okay to be honest i don't know how long it is really, but when i do strech it, i got a good amout of length, that touches my shoulders. Last year my hair was very damaged, from relaxers, blowdrying (just typing that makes me cringeeee) when I met my b/f about that time last year, he asked me to grow it out (which he knew was possible, because there is plenty of females in his family that has long hair, he is jamacian) because I have always had some kinda weave in my hair. Believe it or not I am tired of wearing weaves, i have done so for years years and years. Anyhooo back to my question, I want to relax now and continue to grow out my hair, but how would i get that relax look with lots of body, if i cant achieve this then i won't relax.. FOR I LOVE BIG HAIR WITH A PASSION! Thank you any suggestions will help
I know what you're saying...I too love big hair! That's one reason why I'm not fully-relaxed (texlaxed). I am a big fan of texlaxing because I still have lots of texture, thickness and body. When I rollerset my hair, I use minimal product (so as not to weigh it down), and my hair just bounces all over...I love it.:grin:
You can relax or texlax..Texlex if you have thin or fine hair and relax if you have thick her. The longer it grows the thicker it will get also. Do rollersets, airdry as much as possible, and use heat once a month (if that).
optimum care has a relaxer for fine hair that is supposed to leave body in it. i guess it's mild strength (which probably = texlax) I haven't tried it yet b/c im stretching but i sure do have it ready for when it's time to relax!!! it's in an orange box...if you do try it b4 i do..let us know how it went!!!
I love big, bouncy, full hair too! I relax with Phyto Index I. Even though I could use Index II, I prefer Index I because it leaves my hair very full of body and volume! I also sometime use HairAntiage by AlfaParf for extreme fullness. It works for me. Look at my hair in my avatar, that was after relaxing and using HairAntiage. See the difference in my siggy with the flatness.

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I love big, bouncy, full hair too! I relax with Phyto Index I. Even though I could use Index II, I prefer Index I because it leaves my hair very full of body and volume! I also sometime use HairAntiage by AlfaParf for extreme fullness. It works for me. Look at my hair in my avatar, that was after relaxing and using HairAntiage. See the difference in my siggy with the flatness.


whooh at the avatar so how do you use the hair antiage!?!??!? DO tell!!
Minimum product...maximum health.

Phytorelaxer wil give you a lot of body. Your hair will be bouncing all over the place!
I love big, bouncy, full hair too! I relax with Phyto Index I. Even though I could use Index II, I prefer Index I because it leaves my hair very full of body and volume! I also sometime use HairAntiage by AlfaParf for extreme fullness. It works for me. Look at my hair in my avatar, that was after relaxing and using HairAntiage. See the difference in my siggy with the flatness.

Where do you purchase the Anti