Relaxed Hair Help: Short Broken Hairs


Well-Known Member
What causes short broken hairs all over the head?

I have them on my crown, edges, nape, middle part and if I pull a section of hair, there is a noticeable variation in length.

I used to wash, dc and rollerset weekly but I though that was thinning out my hair so I stopped. Now I wash, dc, blow dry and flat iron every two weeks. Which is worse?

Could it be my application of the relaxer? I rarely wear my hair down, I am mostly in a bun/ponytail.

Please help me :sad:

sunnieb, divachyk, shortdub78
I used to have that but it was due to a lack of moisture and protein. Maybe you need to check if you hair is protein and moisture is balanced.
I used to have that but it was due to a lack of moisture and protein. Maybe you need to check if you hair is protein and moisture is balanced.

I think my hair balanced. I usually do the pull test on shed hair. I really do not like the short hairs sticking up. :nono:
Short broken hairs throughout sounds like it may be breakage at the demarcation line. It could have been one bad blowdry session a few months ago. Other will chime in.
Short broken hairs throughout sounds like it may be breakage at the demarcation line. It could have been one bad blowdry session a few months ago. Other will chime in.

Thanks Nix08. In your personal opinion, do you think I should stop blowdrying and continue with the rollerset. I feel the weekly rollerset is a lot of manipulation but I am not sure if the blowdrying is worse.
I wish I knew. Perhaps too much heat? Do you use a heat protectant?

Lucie, I do. I use the tressemme heat protectant. I am running out maybe I need to change brands. Maybe it is the comb of the blow dryer. :ohwell: but why down the middle part of my head?
@Lurkee I don't blowdry or rollerset but people have great result with rollersetting. I would stick with rollersetting among those two options. I airdry exclusively. My last blow dry session (which was almost a year now) was a nightmare:nono: That and wearing my hair wrap with the seam against my head has left me with friendly reminders of short hairs which remind me just how delicate my hair is:yep:

ETA: down the middle of your head? I missed that before...BUT that is exactly where my short hairs are and it's from my hair being parted down the middle and the seam of my hair tie rubbing there all night:nono:
What causes short broken hairs all over the head?

I have them on my crown, edges, nape, middle part and if I pull a section of hair, there is a noticeable variation in length.

I used to wash, dc and rollerset weekly but I though that was thinning out my hair so I stopped. Now I wash, dc, blow dry and flat iron every two weeks. Which is worse?

Could it be my application of the relaxer? I rarely wear my hair down, I am mostly in a bun/ponytail.

Please help me :sad:

Lurkee, I'm sorry this happened. Breakage can result from almost anything if you're not careful and you're technique is not on point. It can be from too much manipulation with washing, DCing or roller setting.

I'm salon relaxed. However, if your ng is very thick and you're not being gentle when navigating through your ng, breakage would likely be the end result. This happened to me during one of my TU sessions. My ng was mega thick and the stylist wasn't parting gently and that caused breakage.

Blow drying can be harsh as well. The only time a blow dryer comes near my head is on TU day when I'm getting a flat iron. Otherwise, I roller set or air dry. I prefer roller setting but will air dry if time doesn't permit roller setting.

Breakage can result from protein/moisture imbalance. ETA: What's your protein / moisture balancing efforts? When doing the wet strand test, my hair always snaps easily, indicating I'm moisture deficient. I use protein at random to give my hair a protein boost although the wet strand test doesn't give me indication of needing protein. Maybe the wet strand test isn't giving you the right indications of what's going with your hair.

My hair is only flat ironed on TU day. To prep my hair for TU, I will flat iron the ng only one week before TU. Otherwise, I don't use direct heat.

Going forward:
I would properly detangle pre-wash, wash, DC and air dry as much as possible. Go easy on the bunning by making sure you're not pulling or tugging to tightly on your hair. I would avoid blow drying altogether and roller set periodically, but not frequently.

Although I recommend the above, my hair flourishes more with roller setting as I tend to get less breakage throughout the week with roller set hair. Yes, it's more manipulation on wash day than air drying but my hair does better throughout the week. I pony roller set to cut down on the amount of manipulation. Pony setting might be an option for you if you prefer roller setting over air drying.

HTH -- hit me back if you have questions.
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Ugh! I hate those broken hairs! :(

I had this problem way back when I used to blow dry weekly. However, I had no clue what I was doing. I parted my hair down the middle and would blast that heat directly on my newgrowth. :nono:

Yes, sounds like breakage at the line of demarcation. I just don't think it's the weekly rollersetting though. There are too many benefits to that.

I'm leaning towards blaming the direct heat. Can you airdry in rotation with blowdrying?

What deep conditioners do you use? Do you brush your hair? How often do you moisturize?

Sent from my Comet using LHCF
Are your hair strands fine or thick?

Mine are fine and this is why I am transitioning. I have been on LHCF since 2005 and although my hair has improved by like 1000% since before discovered LHCF, I am stuck at a certain length with broken hairs that fall out everywhere constantly.

I have found that no matter what I did, I could not win against the relaxer. The relaxer would always win over my efforts which included everything from little to no heat, weekly or more deep conds, moisture/protein balance,protective styling, relaxer stretching, etc etc etc etc etc etc but nothing worked for me.

I think relaxers only work for certain hair types and for me personally as a fine hair 4a/b relaxers are a no no :nono:.
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I say its from blowdrying and/or time for a little trim. The heat causes the ends to be weaker so they break easier. Whether natural or relaxed I had little broken pieces during styling when it was time to trim.
Nix08, Thank you for the advice. I think you are right. Blowdrying might be too harsh. I thought I was avoiding manipulation by waiting 2 weeks but maybe that is throwing my protein moisture off.

I section my hair like a cross on my head. Down the middle, and from ear to ear. There are short hairs in those parts. My hair even seams to be on automatic middle part when water touches it. :perplexed

divachyk, I rotate DC between moisture and protein every wash. I use Humecto for moisture and ORS, Motions CPR for light protein. I have stopped doing the heavy 2 step protein. When I use moisture though, I use the 2 minute before. Do you think I am using too much protein? I also use the creamy aloe every other wash, too much clarifying?

I have tried airdrying before and my hair remained permanently crunchy. I will give it another go. Air drying will cut down on wash day hours anyway.

MariposaSexyGirl, I am always the lowest setting. 180 C for my flat iron and on low for the blowdryer. I don't have the cool blow dry setting. I wish I knew what was causing it but it seems I need to ease off the heat.

. Can you airdry in rotation with blowdrying?

What deep conditioners do you use? Do you brush your hair? How often do you moisturize?

Sent from my Comet using LHCF

sunnieb, I will try airdrying. I think I will have to stop blowdrying too. I use ORS, CPR, Humecto. I also have Joico mositurising balm but I have not used it in a while because I don't think it is a DC. I brush when trying to wrap. I never used to do that until I saw Ateeya's (sp?) video. I loved the way her hair came out and wanted to copy that. :sad: Is it bad? I moisturise every other day or so. I use coconut oil, Mizani H20, ORS Olive oil..

HairQueen, I think my strands are fine. I don't have thick hair also. I know my hair can be healthy with relaxers because I am gaining length. I just need to be careful to avoid short broken hairs.

:bighug: to you. Thanks for all helping.
Lurkee ORS creamy aloe is gentle and I use it for clarifying. I don't clarify often though although I think creamy aloe is gentle enough for how you are using it. I am not familiar with Motions but I think ORS is gentle protein and is my protein of choice right now. I use protein about once per month. I am not familiar with Humecto but if you feel it is doing you great then keep with it. I think stopping blow drying will help tremendously. Keep with roller setting if air dry is not your thing. I air dry only when I don't have time to roller set.
What causes short broken hairs all over the head?

I have them on my crown, edges, nape, middle part and if I pull a section of hair, there is a noticeable variation in length.

I used to wash, dc and rollerset weekly but I though that was thinning out my hair so I stopped. Now I wash, dc, blow dry and flat iron every two weeks. Which is worse?

Could it be my application of the relaxer? I rarely wear my hair down, I am mostly in a bun/ponytail.

Please help me :sad:

sunnieb, divachyk, shortdub78
That means something broke your hair off. It could be double processing, dry hair, protein overload, wearing a style the same way repetively
Lurkee ORS creamy aloe is gentle and I use it for clarifying. I don't clarify often though although I think creamy aloe is gentle enough for how you are using it. I am not familiar with Motions but I think ORS is gentle protein and is my protein of choice right now. I use protein about once per month. I am not familiar with Humecto but if you feel it is doing you great then keep with it. I think stopping blow drying will help tremendously. Keep with roller setting if air dry is not your thing. I air dry only when I don't have time to roller set.

One last question, divachyk. What do moisturising DC you use?
it's that comb that you are using from the blow dryer and the blow dryer itself. it is your line of demarcation that is the issue. i am having the same issue right now. mine is more at the top (crown) i have been blow drying a lot this summer, not because i don't like roller setting, but i am have been rushing to get my hair dried and styled.

is there a way you can airdry and flat iron afterwards? that way, you aren't pulling and stretching on your hair getting it straight with that blow dryer. i am going back to roller setting myself.

i hope this helps and we get this thing under control. i am just too tired and lazy right now.


i had a different person give me my last touch up. my hair is drier than usual and it is shedding a little more. i don't remember if she used Mizani or not.
I will try airdrying. I think I will have to stop blowdrying too. I use ORS, CPR, Humecto. I also have Joico mositurising balm but I have not used it in a while because I don't think it is a DC. I brush when trying to wrap. I never used to do that until I saw Ateeya's (sp?) video. I loved the way her hair came out and wanted to copy that. :sad: Is it bad? I moisturise every other day or so. I use coconut oil, Mizani H20, ORS Olive oil..

You can wrap using a wide toothed comb with practice and I think it'll be less manipulation for your hair. I also use a special "hair wrap" thingy that ties my hair perfectly to hold the wrap in place while I sleep.

I know when I used a brush, I brushed the mess outta my hair. :nono:
shortdub78, you are right. It is the blow dryer. I am going give heat a rest for now and just air dry. If I have somewhere nice to go to, I will roller set but I doubt I will make it a weekly thing. I need to take care of my hair and be gentle. The funny thing is after all that heat and manipulation, I mostly wear my hair up in a bun. Except sundays for church.

sunnieb, I used to wrap with a comb but it was never nice so I wanted to copy the YouTube people. No more brushing for me.