Relaxed & Co-Washing


I was wondering if any relaxed heads do their co-washes with a light protein conditioner. I ask because I think my relaxed hair could benefit from a little added strength. Do you think this is beneficial or harmful? What brands of conditioner do you recommend?

I am relaxed and I co-wash with a combination of conditioners. I use the Aphogee moisturizer which helps to detangle, Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor, and my Silk Elements conditioner. I usually leave the mixture on for 15-20 minutes. My hair is strengthen and feels soft after my co-wash. :)
Lady, I co-wash with anything :lol: because I don't use hardcore protein conditioners... everything is fair game for a co-wash.

I just prefer the cheapies because I have a lot of hair and wash in sections.
Good question. I monitor the needs of my hair and add protien on my full blow wash day. When I co-wash, it's specifically for moisture. I did not have great success co-washing until I achieved a moisture protien balance. For me, co-washing is all about getting my hair clean in 1 step and replenishing the moisture lost from every-day exposure to the elements. I usually end w/ a braid out or air dry in a ponytail. HTH
Happy co-washing!!:yep: