Relax with wave nouveau phase 1?


New Member
hello ladies, I need your assistance. There is one month i have make a wave nouveau. I don't want make it again but i've heard that you can't relax your hair with a sodium hydroxyde relaxer. I don't want to cut my hair, make braids... Do you think it is possible for me to relax only with the reshape cream (phase 1). I've read that the ammonium thyoglicate's ph is lower than the sodium hydroxyde one. This is not a bad thing.
But if i continue to relax with the phase 1 of the wave nouveau how i can netralize? With a basic netralizing shampoo?:confused:

thank you ladies for your help:)
excuse my english:perplexed
Please ask a pro. I had the experince of losing my hair when I tried to rid myself of a WN with a similar type relaxer. I did it myself, so maybe that's why I was almost bald.:ohwell:
Thank you DDtexlaxd, I hope that your hair are healthy again. But i'm live in france and i don't think that hairdresser will tell me that i want to know...
colibri972 said:
Thank you DDtexlaxd, I hope that your hair are healthy again. But i'm live in france and i don't think that hairdresser will tell me that i want to know...

Maybe you could call or write the company that makes Wave Nouveau?
If the salon won't help, go to a different one. I just can't see someone lying to you to keep u as a customer. I liked my W/N, but the style options were just not there.
Unfortunately in France it is often the case. I've read a lot of topics on the role of the neutralizing shampoo and i think that i try to texturize my hair with the wave nouveau phase one. After all there is a lot of ammonium perm on the market. wish me good luck.:)