Relax to 70% or 80%


New Member
Hi Ladies:

I hear a lot of you saying that you only relax to 70 or 80%. How do you know what that is? I no longer get my hair bone straight, but I'm not sure if I should be leaving the relaxer on longer. Can someone clarify? Thanks!
I relax more like 50-60%. I come up with these figures by comparing my natural curl pattern with how much looser my curl is after a relaxer.
goldensensation said:
I come up with these figures by comparing my natural curl pattern with how much looser my curl is after a relaxer.

Same here.

As far as leaving in, i apply and then wash out immediately or no more than a 1 or 2 more. It imagine it doesnt take longer than 10 mins or so but I've never actually timed it.