Relax, Condition, then Neutralize - who does this?

alexstin said:
You may want to try henna. I started using henna because of an overprocessing experience. I wish I'd done it shortly after it happened but I didn't start until months later. It'll really strengthen and condition your fragile tresses.

Thanks for the tip! I've thought about trying it. Maybe after my next relaxer.
I got an email back from the stylist. I thought you guys might be interested in this part of her comments.

"The stabilizing (conditioning) step that I use after the relaxer has a PH level of approximately 1.5 -2.0 which is what is needed after a relaxer that has anywhere from 10.00-13.00."

So, apparently the conditioner does neutralize. Even though she said that she was having a difficult time removing the relaxer from my hair, and commented that my hair was "holding on" to the relaxer during my shampoo, she had no explanation for that. She did have a "theory" that basically my hair was unhealthy. She offered me half my money back, and I will be taking it to try another stylist for my next relaxer in a month or so.