Regular Heat Users How Do You Do It Without Splitting??


Well-Known Member
maybe its my imagination, but every time i use heat (which is NOT that often) it seems like my ends split. what is going on? it seems my hair is a bit fragile, then again, maybe not. but i'd think heat once every in a while (twice a month max) shouldn't damage my hair by causing split ends!

another thing i've noticed is that when my hair is in its natural, curly state, i shed waaay more than i'd like to. even though i love my curls, i still - after 3 years - have not found a way to style them that is flattering. i love the fact that when its straight its very low manipulation. barely have to do anything to it. i see so many regular heat users here with gorgeous hair (coming to mind are Pink Skates & Macherieamour) how is everyone doing it?
I use heat twice a week and my hair is fine. I don't know, maybe my hair is more "durable" than some others. My strands are extremly thick, but I don't know if that makes a difference. When I use heat though I use the medium setting and use a heat protectant. I always dc my hair when I wash and I use protein on a weekly basis. I also add additional moisture in between blow-drying and flat-ironing. I'm no where near an expert, but that is just my personal experience.
I gave up on wearing my hair curly (airdrying) a long time ago. Like you said, my hair sheds more & the ends always look dry.
I use heat regularly (rollersets) with no problem. I'm under the dryer now :yep: