Regrowing Temples


Active Member
Okay, who can tell me how to regrow my temples (sides)? I have tried Rogaine already (CVS' generic formula) and that didn't work, in fact, it seems to have made it worse. I think I have less hair now than I had before I started using Rogaine. I'm desparate. Please help and offer suggestions. My right side is so thin that I cannot even wear a bun without feeling self conscious. I need all kinds of help. Please offer suggestoins. Who has successfully regrown their sides and how long were you without the hair or how long did you have the thinning? I've heard that the longer you have thin sides (or hair) the less it is likely to regrow. What do you think? Can it be regrown or not?
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essential oil of peppermint or essential oil of rosemary infused with castor or olive oil nightly massages. I did it for three weeks and my edges came back with a vengence. HTHs.

I alternated - one night peppermint/ the other rosemary. I will tell you that I honestly wasn't even doing it regularly - so I'd do it on wash days. I wash twice weekly.
well, are your edges broken, or are your temples completely bald? you may need to see a dermatologist if it's just bald in that area as it may be a form of alopecia.

if the area is just damaged you may need to lay off the ponytails and try something to stimulate the growth and stop the breakage.
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When my right side thinned due to tight braids, Wild Growth got it back on track. It doesn't smell good, but it works. It makes the hair grow faster AND thicker.
There are several things that I tried to regrow my temples but the things that I saw growth from were from

MN and BT and when I style my hair on one side too much and have stress on one side then if I notice them start to get thin I use refine coconut oil on them and they start back thicken up and also I have not been relaxing that area at every relaxer just every other relaxer cause I tie a scarf on my head at night with a little aloe vera gel and it will make them lay down but stop relaxing your edges and use either MN or BT or coconut oil and your edges will be back in full swing!!!
You need to determine the cause of your thinning/bald sides.

Hair loss can be symptomatic of different things (i.e. anemia, stress, tension on the area, fungal disease, etc.).

I'd definitely recommend that you see a dermatologist, because the cause of the problem will determine how you treat the thinning hair.
The dermatologist will do all sorts of blood tests and narrow the causes down for you, then will recommend a course of action. For example, rubbing your scalp with essential oils may not help if your sulfur or iron level is low, because that's an internal imbalance.
for my edges, Ive tried castor oil in the past & it was working decently..... but this is my current weapon of choice

Biotin Creme

for fine, fragile, and thinning hair

A metabolic scalp treatment fortified with Biotin to stimulate hair growth.
  • Penetrates the scalp to strengthen hair with concentrated ingredients including Biotin, B-Complex Vitamins, Amino Acids, and Proteins.
  • Biotin helps stimulate hair growth, improves the quality of fine, weak hair, and neutralizes metabolic by-products that inhibit hair growth.
  • Increases circulation to the scalp.
  • Promotes the growth of healthy hair with DHT inhibitors and circulation boosters.
  • Key component in the Hair Revitalization Program.
Try scalp massages in the area where your hair is thining. You also want to completely avoid the action(s) that caused the damage in the first place.
Thanks for all the responses ladies!! I'm going to try the essential oils, castor oil, sulfur 8, and scalp massages. I'll let you know what happens.
Okay, who can tell me how to regrow my temples (sides)? I have tried Rogaine already (CVS' generic formula) and that didn't work, in fact, it seems to have made it worse. I think I have less hair now than I had before I started using Rogaine. I'm desparate. Please help and offer suggestions. My right side is so thin that I cannot even wear a bun without feeling self conscious. I need all kinds of help. Please offer suggestoins. Who has successfully regrown their sides and how long were you without the hair or how long did you have the thinning? I've heard that the longer you have thin sides (or hair) the less it is likely to regrow. What do you think? Can it be regrown or not?

This happened to me recently as I experimented with another relaxer. My edges were see thru, if there. My stylist keep slapping the relaxer on my edges, afer I told him not too.

I started using MN (Miconozole Nitrate) on my edges and they are back, bushier than ever. I also took biotin supplements. Check out my fotki "nape progress." I didnt take pictures of my edges, but my edges and my nape were see thru.

Hope this helps.
I mix wild growth oil w/ a little Black Castor oil and a few drops of peppermit/rosemary oil and apply it to my temples...So far so good

Also remember to be patient:yep: