regrew hair from alopecia

Thanks!!! My mom was just saying how thin her hair is now and how my great aunt had alopecia. It runs on my mom's side of the family. We've gotta up our iron.
Thanks!!! My mom was just saying how thin her hair is now and how my great aunt had alopecia. It runs on my mom's side of the family. We've gotta up our iron.

kandegirl - I have alopecia on both sides of my head. Dumb weave many many years ago. In fact if I wanted to be honest with myself I would concede that the follicles are long dead. But I won't admit defeat. (I'm actually staging a war on my bare spots:yep:)

I just completed purchasing an arsenal of ayurvedic products (bhrinraj, brahmi, amla, neem) which are said to help with hair loss, thinning, color, etc. You should search them here on the forum. Several members use the products. I posted in one thread some background on some of the products that I found on another forum (WL2013 thread). I purchased the oil form earlier this week and waiting delivery and purchased the powder form from a local Indian grocery last night. I plan to use the powder to make tea for rinsing and conditioning and use the oil forms as recommended.

Don't know if the products will help me or your Mom but I am giving it a shot. Have nothing to lose.

It was time for me to re-order my HSN and Silica supplements - so I purchased Futurebiotis HSN (which has good reviews) and Bamboo Extract which is 70% silica as opposed to the Horsetail (Silica) that I was taking. Bamboo extract has proven to increase hair growth based on laboratory studies.

Sorry for the long post - but I know how it feels to have those "bare areas" and if I can share I try to.
as im losing hair (edges..front) im so scared. ive been looking for solutions since about 4 weeks. ive never had this hair loss.. so im working on it. i might buy some iron tabs
ilong said:
kandegirl - I have alopecia on both sides of my head. Dumb weave many many years ago. In fact if I wanted to be honest with myself I would concede that the follicles are long dead. But I won't admit defeat. (I'm actually staging a war on my bare spots:yep:)

I just completed purchasing an arsenal of ayurvedic products (bhrinraj, brahmi, amla, neem) which are said to help with hair loss, thinning, color, etc. You should search them here on the forum. Several members use the products. I posted in one thread some background on some of the products that I found on another forum (WL2013 thread). I purchased the oil form earlier this week and waiting delivery and purchased the powder form from a local Indian grocery last night. I plan to use the powder to make tea for rinsing and conditioning and use the oil forms as recommended.

Don't know if the products will help me or your Mom but I am giving it a shot. Have nothing to lose.

It was time for me to re-order my HSN and Silica supplements - so I purchased Futurebiotis HSN (which has good reviews) and Bamboo Extract which is 70% silica as opposed to the Horsetail (Silica) that I was taking. Bamboo extract has proven to increase hair growth based on laboratory studies.

Sorry for the long post - but I know how it feels to have those "bare areas" and if I can share I try to.

I have been using mahabringaraj oil on my almost bare edges and I can actually see hair growing back in my edges
Please be careful with iron. It is not a mineral that your body will excrete the excess - it actually does the exact opposite. It stores iron in organs, especially the liver and can cause liver disease.

Please be sure that you have an iron deficiency before ingesting more of the mineral. It is not a mineral you want to underestimate. Excess iron has other negative affects too ( stomach cramps, abnormal menstrual cycle, etc.)

I would not use it as a growth aide - under any circumstances.
shortt29 - after reading your post I went straight to Amazon to purchase. Then I stopped myself - I just purchased a lot of oils. Get this one on the next order - please keep ne updated on how your area is doing.
ilong said:
shortt29 - after reading your post I went straight to Amazon to purchase. Then I stopped myself - I just purchased a lot of oils. Get this one on the next order - please keep ne updated on how your area is doing.

I sure will! Enjoy your Ayurvedic purchases :) I love everything you purchased however I use the powders as a paste and apply them like henna as a treatment
ilong, I use Indian powders too. I love mahabringaraj oil. It seems to make my scalp and hair healthier. I also take horsetail too, when I remember! Heck, I really do a lot of stuff but mostly remember to use my aphogee two minute w/ every shampoo, use Indian hair oils (store bought), take hair vitamins and let my hair rest under a weave.

My crown is thin, partial due to genes but also in part to a TOOO hot oil treatment I did several years ago. I burned my scalp something serious. So I'm nursing it back to health slowly but surely. I don't accept defeat easily either.

So I hope we're all able to find our remedy.
Iron deficiency is a major issue with hair retention. I was dangerously iron deficient (anaemic) but I had no idea; lost hair but couldn't understand why. It wasn't until I was given a message to see my doctor urgently after a blood test that I was informed I need to take iron tablets. Horrible tablets to take though...the things it does to your stools :look:

As ilong has said it's not a growth aid, but your iron intake needs to be on point. Most people can get sufficient levels of iron through their diet.
Iron deficiency is a major issue with hair retention. I was dangerously iron deficient (anaemic) but I had no idea; lost hair but couldn't understand why. It wasn't until I was given a message to see my doctor urgently after a blood test that I was informed I need to take iron tablets. Horrible tablets to take though...the things it does to your stools :look:

As ilong has said it's not a growth aid, but your iron intake needs to be on point. Most people can get sufficient levels of iron through their diet.

Have you tried the Slow Fe brand of iron pills? They are slow release and MUCH gentler on the system.
Have you tried the Slow Fe brand of iron pills? They are slow release and MUCH gentler on the system.

No I'm taking the tablets that my doctor has prescribed. I'll be seeing him next week and will see whether I can use something a bit easier as I find these ones quite hard to take. It might take up to six months for my iron levels to get back to normal.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have a look at that.