registration & email address


New Member
You may be aware of this but I thought I'd bring it to your attention once more,

I was not able to register with the email address of my preference (wmconnect isp) the registration system kept insisting that my format was incorrect, it was correct. I was able to register with my aol email address (this will not be active much longer). I currenty have more than one email address, but many others do not!

I also attempted to email you from my preferred address to let you know that it is truly an accurate email and was not able to, I got the same incorrect format address. I have lurked on other message boards and noticed there are others who have indeed attempted to register on this board but could not. Is there a way to remedy this? Is it possible to at least have post dedicated to this issue until it is corrected? It was a little frustrating for me trying to register and I believe it is safe to say there are many more annonymos lurkers out there, whose voice will never be heard, questions never be answered, experiences never be shared (you get where I'm going)!

Speaking up for those who currently have no way to register on this great hair care site or even let it be known that a problem exists,

Hi, if you were able to register with another email address, apparently there is something you were doing wrong the first time when registering. We do our best to help individuals around here as time permits. This is a free service and so we answer questions as permits. 99% of the errors with registration are user errors. I am sorry you had a bad experience but it appears you corrected it.
Also, there are people registering everyday without a problem, so maybe the problem is not necessarily with our system, the system does not pick and choose who to register either you have a valid email address or you don't. There was one young lady who continued to email me saying that she could not register on this site, I repsonded to her SEVERAL times. ANd she kept asking me why wouldn't I answer her questions, or respond to her email. At one point she said "HELLLO IS ANYONE THERE". I figured out that her problem was that she had her hotmail spam filter on high, so probably all of my responses to her were going directly to her trash can, so I had no way of getting into contact with that person to tell her what was going on since all my messages were going to her trash can. You have to forgive me if I am slighly annoyed because I get complaints on a continual basis, and most of the times the problem is not our fault.
Thanks for responding, but I'm not sure you understand the problem I was having. Not trying to be funny or anything, but I am fairly proficient with computers, the net, etc. (I'm an engineer) The problem that I am trying to bring to light is the fact that the registration system wil not let some people register and the response generated was "incorrect email format" when the format and the email may indeed be correct, ie "[email protected]".

I have several email accounts with this isp and could not register on the board with any of them! I attempted to email an administrator from this email address and was blocked from even letting you know there was a problem (I got the same inaccurate response)..........However I WAS able to register with an AOL isp that will no longer be valid in the near future. This leads be to assume that the registration may be filtered based upon email address, more specifically the isp (internet service provider) portion or the "" portion.

My problem - None now. I WAS able to register because I currently have two isp's, but the email account I actually registered with will be invalid soon.

My concern - There are other people out there in the same situation trying to register but cannot, and you are not aware of it because the system won't accept an email in this situation. They have no solution because they don't have two different isp's.

The solution - I'm not sure. I thought I would bring to it someone's attention since this is the area to post concerns and reccomendations. I realize this is a free site and I also noticed that it is higher quality site than most, of which I am quite impressed. That being said, there may be no solution and one may actually exist. I am justing asking if you can find out. Once you find out what the cause is, and if it can be corrected, hopefully no cost, then do so. If you find out what the problem is and it can't be corrected, have a permanent post, announcement, etc. explaining this (IMHO this is what a quality website, like this one would do)!

I have replied in complete sincerity and I must make it known to all that I do know what a correct email format is! (SMILE)

Be blessed, and may we find an answer!
Ok, I can understand your frustration, and I am glad that explained your situation in detail since things can get easily miscommunicated over email. I am also glad that you were able to correct your problem. I also wanted to mention that you can change the email address that you registered with in your profile under "My Home" since it will be expiring soon, so I wouldn't worry about that issue, I am just glad you got in