

Active Member
How different is your summer regime from your winter regime? Is there anyone that keeps the same regime through both seasons? If you answered that your regimes are different, please list what you do differently.

I may change my oils around (i.e., use coconut oil in the summer and Jojoba oil in the winter) but other than that my regime is pretty much the same.

My regime doesn't change much but the products do. I just use lighter products in the summer than I do in the winter.
Well in the summer i mostly airdry in a ponytail and in the winter i rollerset. When i rollerset the products change slightly. Also in the winter i deep condition with my pibbs but in the summer i use my body heat vs. the hood dryer. It's too hot for that.
Spring & Fall - Go back and forth between curly and straight. I mostly use avocado oil. If its a warmer spring/fall then I use a thicker oil like coconut oil and castor oil.

Winter - I stay away from castor and coconut oil. They will both make my hair look greasy or freeze up on me. I tend to use avocado oil or my butters (coffee, shea, avocado). I do 90% straight styles by rollersetting. No wash and go's whatsoever. I do weekly steam treatments to combat shedding and to keep my hair moisturized.

Summer - Wash n' go's on the weekends. The oils I use on my hair are a little thicker - coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil. I co-wash daily and keep my hair in a ponytail. No rollersets or straight hair during the summer.

The only thing I do consistently is deep conditioning. In the summer I'll do it more often. In the winter only 1-2x a week.
my regimen doesn't change much at all. wash/DC/moisturize/style at least 1x a week. i might add in a mid-week wash if i'm extra sweaty on hot summer days, but not always.
:lachen: thank you. i was bothered lol

mine doesnt change up too much, i just dont wash as much during the winter. too cold for we head

my regimen doesn't change much at all. wash/DC/moisturize/style at least 1x a week. i might add in a mid-week wash if i'm extra sweaty on hot summer days, but not always.