Regimen for natural hair


New Member
hello all hair growers,

i'm currently natural 3c/4a Ciii. i wanted to know if anyone had some advice on a regimen for natural hair..

1. how often do i wash and condtion?

2. do i have to do cowash during the week?

3. what can i do to keep my hiar from getting dry?

4. i read that for relaxed hair you have to do a moist/protien balance to keep the hair from breaking. Is this true for natural hair also? How often should you use protien cond. to deep condtion you hair?

please if anyone can help me put together some kind of regimen please let me know..

thank you
3c/4a Ciii
hello all hair growers,

i'm currently natural 3c/4a Ciii. i wanted to know if anyone had some advice on a regimen for natural hair..

1. how often do i wash and condtion?

2. do i have to do cowash during the week?

3. what can i do to keep my hiar from getting dry?

4. i read that for relaxed hair you have to do a moist/protien balance to keep the hair from breaking. Is this true for natural hair also? How often should you use protien cond. to deep condtion you hair?

please if anyone can help me put together some kind of regimen please let me know..

thank you
3c/4a Ciii

I wash and condition once a week. I didn't cowash really during the winter, but now that it's warmer I do it as I feel like it maybe once or twice a week. You don't have to cowash, but some people do it everyday to maintain moisture in their hair. To keep your hair from getting dry you should use a leave-in conditioner (I use Garnier Fructis curl and shine leave-in) and maybe seal the ends with an oil (ex. jojoba, coconut).

I'm not sure about the protein moisture balance. I think those who relax need more protein b/c the relaxer breaks down some of the protein in the hair. I don't seek out protein conditioners. Not sure if I have any (I don't bother to check for protein).

As far as a regimen goes, I'll post what I wrote about my regimen in my fotki:

What I do to my hair is simple (I'm just long winded). I do my first lather when shampooing w/ ORS creamy aloe shampoo (b/c there's hard water where I am now), then I do the second lather w/ Porosity Control shampoo (been using this since before I was natural--it's amazing and detangles great). I finish w/ Dove Intense moisture conditioner (dark blue bottle). I detangle in the shower w/ a wide tooth comb and denman brush---while conditioner is in my hair.

After shampooing I put Garnier Fructis curl & shine leave-in conditioner while my hair is soaking wet (I don't towel dry), then seal the moisture in w/ jojoba oil on the ends of my hair. I don't comb my hair outside the shower (frizzes up my curls). Then usually I put my hair in a ponytail and tie a scarf over it (to help lay down the edges w/o a brush). I air dry.
hello all hair growers,

i'm currently natural 3c/4a Ciii. i wanted to know if anyone had some advice on a regimen for natural hair..

1. how often do i wash and condtion?

Depends on your hair! :yep: I shampoo daily and condition/co-wash daily. But I think I'm a rarity on that. :perplexed Weekly is generally a safe way to start. Your hair may like to washed with poo every three days or every day but weekly is a good place to start as, if your hair needs to be washed more often it will "feel" like it does to you (IE: dirty). Otherwise, that'll be all it needs and you'll save yourself some time and the chance of drying your hair out. Avoid SLS shampoo! It eats our hair!

2. do i have to do cowash during the week?

If your hair likes it! It's a great way to add moisture. If your hair ALWAYS seems dry no matter how much you moisturize you could try co-washing twice a week and increase as your hair demands.

3. what can i do to keep my hiar from getting dry?

Co-washes, moisturizing leave-ins, conditioner as a leave-in. Sealing with oil or a silicone based product. (Use a poo with Coco Betataine in it if you use silicone based products. It won't eat your hair like SLS but can remove cones).

4. i read that for relaxed hair you have to do a moist/protien balance to keep the hair from breaking. Is this true for natural hair also? How often should you use protien cond. to deep condtion you hair?

Yes, natural hair has this same balance requirement, though often it needs less protein. Again, how much and when depends on your hair. Many try a protein treatment monthly to start out, or add a bit of a protein treatment product to their DCs as a sort of "pick me up".

please if anyone can help me put together some kind of regimen please let me know..


thank you
3c/4a Ciii

Check out my fotki, I've got plenty of products reviewed to help you get started. Happy Hair Growing!
Hello dear.

Here is mine. Remember - it will take time for you to build your regimen - based on YOUR hair- what it likes and what it does not.

Good luck.............

This is my regimen.

WARNING: This regimen might not work for everyone, but I have done this – finally – after almost 2 years of more intensive care of my hair….So - this is only a guide.. I hope that it is helpful for you… but you must find your way!!!

I use 99% natrual /organic products on my hair. Ionly use very few commercial produscts any more. and one must be aware that once one makes the switch to non commercial products - hair must got through a 'detox'..... So if you use cheapy chemical laden products. Don't expect some great miracle from a simple oil right away.

I broke down my regimen in Cycles, so that I could make sense of things and I started a ‘hair diary’ of sorts – at the end to 2007 - to look at what works for me, and what does not work for me…. I suggest doing a hair diary – with progress pictures – and I think it will take you hair to the next level. I do this for whatever style I am going to wear – (Twists, blow dry, banding, flat ironing, etc)

There is always more to learn – but here it goes:

I shampoo my hair every 5 to 7 days. I never EVER wash my hair loose. That would prove disastrous. I only wash my hair in 6 plaits or twists.

If I get a wash in after 4 days - that is ok - But my hair does not really like every 2 or 3 days - unless I am in extension Braids or extension cornrows. The tangles are really no different… so 5 to 7 days covers it. I detangle BEFORE I PrePoo– with Aloe Vera and Oil… If needed.

I also Steam once a month or every other week if I feel like it.

1. Light Protein prepoo ( yogurt, GPB, Oils) – under heat for at least 1 hour – w/o heat -2 hrs
2. Clarify– baking soda and water before shampoo (16 oz distilled water – 1 tbls Baking soda) – I put it in a applicator bottle and drench my scalp – then let the water run through my hair.
3. Shampoo – moisturizing shampoo
4. oil rinse
5. rinse w/ tepid water
6. use tint bottle with distilled water and drench my scalp – letting the water run through the braids.
7. Shower’s done – for now!
8. Moisture postpoo – at least 1 hr under heat
*****Denman Detangling ***** before I rinse
9. Rinse with tepid shower –till the water runs clear. My hair still feels soft & moisturized
10. final rinse with Cold distilled water.
11. Done! Use a tee shirt to Squeeze excess water…. Apply leave in’s oils, etc..

The rest of the Cycles follow the previous pattern – only the conditioning changes….

Cycle 2 – MOISTURE
Moisture pre poo overnight ( Caramel or Moisture Condish)
Moisture post poo – under heat for at least1 hour

Cycle 3 – HOT OIL
oil overnight
Same oil pre poo for at least 1 hr ( I can’t use shea oil – It does not rinse out well for me – trust me on this one) ( many Hot Oils, EVOO, ETC)
Moisture post poo

oil overnight
Cassia pre poo ( this is in the plan for Feb 2008) – 1 hour
Moisture postpoo

oil over night
Egg or milk w/ moisture pre poo ( I just mix olive oil, egg & honey with my moisture condish)
Moisture postpoo

OILS, POOS, and Condishes that are rotated in the Cycle:

1. Garlic Oil
2. Baking Soda
3. Castile Soap
4. most Carrier OIls (EVOO, Almond, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Castor)
5. Butters
6. Indian Powders
7. Conditioners ( oyin & Homemade)
8. Milk
10. Eggs
11. Carmel & Bootleg Etae conditioners
12. Essential OIls
13. honey
14. Herbal Rinses

I hope that it is helpful for you… but you must find your way!!!

hello all hair growers,

i'm currently natural 3c/4a Ciii. i wanted to know if anyone had some advice on a regimen for natural hair..

1. how often do i wash and condtion?

2. do i have to do cowash during the week?

3. what can i do to keep my hiar from getting dry?

4. i read that for relaxed hair you have to do a moist/protien balance to keep the hair from breaking. Is this true for natural hair also? How often should you use protien cond. to deep condtion you hair?

please if anyone can help me put together some kind of regimen please let me know..

thank you
3c/4a Ciii

In my opinion - Natural hair needs more MOISTURE than protien. So I try to do so.
hello everyone

THANK YOU soo much for everyone who responded..this is such a good help for me..

3c/4a Ciii
hello all hair growers,

i'm currently natural 3c/4a Ciii. i wanted to know if anyone had some advice on a regimen for natural hair..

1. how often do i wash and condtion? for me, I poo/cond 2x per week..most shampoos work for me and I personally have had no ill adverse effects from using poos with sulfates in it (thr trick is to not allow it get too lathery as this does strip your hair); and I deep condition once a week w/heat. I also prepoo with cheapie conditioner mixed with sweet almond oil

2. do i have to do cowash during the week? I don't hair is naturally soft, so cowashing will keep it mushy and my scalp can't take the buildup

3. what can i do to keep my hiar from getting dry? use a moisturizing leave-in and seal with an oil(EVOO or almond oil etc).

4. i read that for relaxed hair you have to do a moist/protien balance to keep the hair from breaking. Is this true for natural hair also? How often should you use protien cond. to deep condtion you hair? I do protein treatments as needed.. every 6weeks or so.. My hair is super soft so that is why I do this. When I do protein treatments I use aphogee. I also use protein rinse out conditioners sometimes.

please if anyone can help me put together some kind of regimen please let me know.. my regimen is in my fotki, though all of my poos/conditions aren't posted yet *I am still working on it* :)

thank you
3c/4a Ciii

My answers are in bold...good luck on your natural hair journey! I sure do love it myself :afro:
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pre-poo with oil or pre-treatment, Shampoo and DT once a week
Cowash/rinse or rinse and condition at least once a week
Add leave-in and styler before drying
Bonnet dry and/or diffuse dry

On days when I don't cowash or wash, add hair butter at night, flat twist my hair loosely in large sections (about 8-10) and tie it up in a sateen scarf. The next day, release, fluffy it out with a little more hair butter and use a little lotiony product or spritz to revive any areas that are too frizzy.

Products in my product album.
hello all hair growers,

i'm currently natural 3c/4a Ciii. i wanted to know if anyone had some advice on a regimen for natural hair..

1. how often do i wash and condtion?

2. do i have to do cowash during the week?

3. what can i do to keep my hiar from getting dry?

4. i read that for relaxed hair you have to do a moist/protien balance to keep the hair from breaking. Is this true for natural hair also? How often should you use protien cond. to deep condtion you hair?

please if anyone can help me put together some kind of regimen please let me know..

thank you
3c/4a Ciii

I would say optimal conditioning and caution about what products you use on your hair is the key to moisture. Another great key to moisture is a monthly steam treatment.
while all of our heads may like one thing better than the other, as a natural it is IMPERATIVE that you clarify. Clarify with Baking Soda and warm water or whatever products you may use but make sure you Clarify and WATER is your best friend FILTERED WATER that is.......
Good Luck.

P.S. My avatar features twists that were clarified with Baking Soad and water.
I agree with every thing that's been said EXCEPT (and maybe my hair is just different) but my hair does better with protein. I started cowashing almost daily with a protein conditioner and my hair thrived. When I stopped my hair started breaking and splitting something awful so I'm trying to get back to the protein thing.
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