Regime, Regimen, Regiment??????

Sistaslick said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, now If you say it grows your hair I'm sure some savvy ladies will become Catholics with the quickness --just to get their hands on that hair growin' holy water :lol: :lachen: :lachen: Or... make their own :lol:

This is hilarious.......but TRUE :)

Now for the original are right and it's regimen.
patient1 said:
This comes up a lot and here's the one reason I think it matters:

We aren't always on boards where things are casual. I remember 2 words that I mispronounced (paradigm) and misspelled/mispronounced (procrastination). I woulda bet my cash stash that it was procrasCination. LOL!! I WISH a stranger online could've pulled my coattail. Rozlips pulled my coattail about the word canon vs. cannon once. A lot of vocabulary is acquired via hearing...we spell phonetically based on what we hear. (I never heard the T in procrastination)

I like to know the minutia for the real life situations and the critical written moments.

Of the three I use the one that BEST fits imo. If this was a multiple choice question, which would best fill in the blank?

It's not a black thang. You've got sticklers all over the world, the net, on Mars too I'm sure.

I personally save my spellcheck energy for elsewhere BUT hey....

I agree. :up:

Let's not even address regimine, rigimin, rigemin, and all the variants I have seen over the year. :lol:
jwhitley6 said:
It is hair care can be very regimented (meaning disciplined, systematic, etc) in the way you care for your hair....A regime could dictate how you must care for you LHCF Bootcamp. :-)

That's exactly how I use them. I don't interchange them. I use the word that best describes how I'm feeling about my hair routine.
patient1 said:
This comes up a lot and here's the one reason I think it matters:

We aren't always on boards where things are casual. I remember 2 words that I mispronounced (paradigm) and misspelled/mispronounced (procrastination). I woulda bet my cash stash that it was procrasCination. LOL!! I WISH a stranger online could've pulled my coattail. Rozlips pulled my coattail about the word canon vs. cannon once. A lot of vocabulary is acquired via hearing...we spell phonetically based on what we hear. (I never heard the T in procrastination)

I like to know the minutia for the real life situations and the critical written moments.

Of the three I use the one that BEST fits imo. If this was a multiple choice question, which would best fill in the blank?

It's not a black thang. You've got sticklers all over the world, the net, on Mars too I'm sure.

I personally save my spellcheck energy for elsewhere BUT hey....

It's spelled minutiae
(Sorry I couldn't resist the chance to be a smart a$$):sekret:
rinygirl6 said:
It's spelled minutiae
(Sorry I couldn't resist the chance to be a smart a$$):sekret:

Of course not.:lol: No hard feelings. I'm not one of the sticklers for this very reason my human imperfection. BUT according to my Funk & Wagnall it's minutia or plural minutiae...the latter of course being what's chiefly used. Mind you, I checked this BEFORE I posted that cause I always spell that word wrong.

I'm not gonna be online spellchecking all the time...I save that for real life where it counts. I'm getting old and I'm forgetting too much stuff :)

patient1 said:
Of course not.:lol: No hard feelings. I'm not one of the sticklers for this very reason my human imperfection. BUT according to my Funk & Wagnall it's minutia or plural minutiae...the latter of course being what's chiefly used. Mind you, I checked this BEFORE I posted that cause I always spell that word wrong.

Yep, it can be spelled either way. One is singular (minutia) and the other is plural (minutiae).

Couldn't resist either, got to show off to make up for all those years I was forced to learn Latin. :lol:
Jessy55 said:
Yep, it can be spelled either way. One is singular (minutia) and the other is plural (minutiae).

Couldn't resist either, got to show off to make up for all those years I was forced to learn Latin. :lol:

HA! I'm gonna have to go back to my old classic online salutation:

Please correct me anyday. I rather know the correct spelling and/or pronounciation than use it in the wrong in the real word. But, I did look up regimen before I wrote it because it can get confusing.