Regarding Threads On Various Religions...

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"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
I've noticed the threads on different religions being posted which are resulting in unrest and several misunderstandings between the OP's (Original Posters ) and those who are viewing and responding to them.

The threads are very long in context for me to read through all of them, however the responses speak volumes which means that the contents have some form of information which is causing misunderstanding and stress among each of the members in the conversations.

What concerns me is the strong opposition against the Catholic Faith in these threads.

Although I am not Catholic, I can feel the hurt that is being directed towards the Catholic Faith and this isn't the right thing to do. If nothing more, each of us must acknowledge that each of us share more in common than we do not. Such as:

1. The Lord Jesus Christ as "Our' Saviour and Lord
2. God the Father who gave us Jesus
3. The Holy Sprit
4. The Blood Covenant that was given to us by Jesus when He died upon the Cross
5. The CROSS... all in itself upon which Jesus bled and died upon
6. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord
7. The Return of Jesus for His Church without 'spot or wrinkle'.
8. The Pure Sanctity of Marriage between 'One Man - One Woman' under God
9. The Sanctity of Children sans abortion and the taking of their precious lives
10. God did not create men to lie with men, nor women to lie with women, i.e. homosexuality
11. God is not 'transgender'
12. God is not bi-sexual
13. God is not changing His plan for man
14. God is Love...and wishes that no one should perish
15. God is Sovereign in all...

I love my Catholic sisters and brothers as much as I do those who are not Catholic. We are 'ALL' fighting for the same cause...the Right to Live Our Faith without hindrance from those who are not of Faith in Jesus.

We get enough attacks from others on this forum, surely we do not need any further from each other.

I do not want anyone here to feel that they are not free to post their views / share information about their faith. However, if there is an 'air' and/or one element of disparagement against the faith of another in our forum, I will have no other choice than to close / delete the thread.

Unless it is a doctrine of demonic persuasion, witchcraft, etc... which are faiths of the anti-Christ... these types of doctrine will not be tolerated.

We are not here to attack each other but to support our faith in Jesus and to encourage each other to remain strong, especially in this time of so much attack coming against Christians and the Bible in which we live and breathe and have our being...

Please support each other. That's all I am asking.

Please be supportive of each other as those who love our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

From the heart of 'Shimmie'... :love2:
I want to encourage our Non-Catholic Christian Members to PLEASE continue to post your threads / messages of encouragement in our Christian Forum.

Continue to share the beautiful gift of God's love that lives and grows within you... share it to keep our faith going strong.

"Don't ignore your gift..."

"Iron Sharpens Iron..."

Please be encouraged and please continue to share what God has given to you. :love2:
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