refined vs unrefined oils


New Member
What is the difference between refined and unrefined oils? I have heard that unrefined oils are best for your hair and that refined oils are drying. Why is this?

Currently I am using refined Coconut oil with no drying effects, but I will definitely switch if necessary!

I have no idea what kind of coconut oil I'm's written in arabic...all I know for sure is the one listed ingredient is 100% coconut oil. I have no idea if it's virgin, refined, unrefined...I took it to the cashier and asked what the bottle said, and he's like "well can't you read it?" so I say "Gotta tell you Ahmed (he had a name tag on), my arabic's a little rusty...HELLO!" He almost cried he was laughing so hard ...but the have a 1-800 # on the bottle, so I'm gonna call and ask tomorrow.
so I say "Gotta tell you Ahmed (he had a name tag on), my arabic's a little rusty...HELLO!" He almost cried he was laughing so hard ...but the have a 1-800 # on the bottle, so I'm gonna call and ask tomorrow.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for making me laugh this morning!

My coconut oil says 100% pure too, just 100% pure REFINED Coconut oil. I'm having excellent results with it, I just don't want it to dry out my hair 3 months down the road.
I think refined oils has stuff like preservatives and added artificial ingredients- unrefined, virgin, just means that the oil is 100% whatever it is.
Here's a link that covers the differences in Refined and Unrefined oils Oil Extration Methods. It has to do with the processing, not so much the ingredients.

Refined: fully processed oil where it has been exposed to high temperatures as high as 450 degrees Fahrenheit, winterization as low as -10 degrees, deodorization (the removal of content which gives an oil its natural scent), and other forms of refinement that will alter its color, depth, and scent. This makes for an economical oil in cosmetics and body care products but it is not the healthiest as a food grade oil.
Caveat emptor: Refined oils may also be extracted with the use of solvents, extracting mediums or other chemicals.

Unrefined: A process of mechanical extraction and screen filtering where no additional refining process has taken place. This ensures the finest quality product and makes the oil the most exquisite for food and cosmetic preparation. The unrefined process helps oil retain a rich, strong flavor and color that is true to its natural state. Unrefined oils are always darker in color and richer in scent.
Thanks LaNecia! That was just the information that I was looking for. Good thing that I am almost out of my Coconut Oil, the next jar that I buy will definitely be unrefined!
You're most welcome!!

I just looked up the info yesterday and had save the page for future reference. What a co-inky-dink!
yes, unrefined and vergin are the same thing. I use NOW Cold pressed virgin coconut oil. its 7.19 dollars for 12 oz. I love this stuff. in fact, I am about to use it right now