Refined or Unrefined? That is the question...


Well-Known Member
So I recently purchased some Spectrums brand unrefined COCONUT OIL because I've heard its good for the hair and skin. I used it lastnight and noticed it really didn't smell like coconut but it left my skin feeling soft. I saw on someone's fotki page that they purchased unrefined oil so that's what I purchased too.So to any ladies who have tried both REFINED and UNREFINED coconut oil please come share your experiences and please clarify for me if there are any differences, pros or cons between the two..
Spectrum refined and unrefined are similar

I liked the refined for my skin because it had no smell and was very easy to heat and was not as grity

Unrefined is more pure so in a way it is better for you skin...

the for nature with love one looks good though!
Thanks for posting ladies.. And yes the one Kurlee posted does look good. After I finish out the Spectrums I will be ordering that one..