Rededicated...trials or the devil?


New Member
I know that when a child of God has been living worldly ways and then decides that enough is enough and is ready to return to God (who never left them), there will be trials...or is it the devil trying to 'get you back'. I remember being taught that the devil knows that he cannot have your soul, but he will try to make life hard for you and try to hinder you from being a warrior for God and having a testimony of God's good work in you.

Ok, my job is one that if I don't work I don't get PTO and I am hourly. Now the job pays extremely well, but there are times throughout the year where there are slow downs in the work load because of data transactions...anyway, last year I was one of few who continued to work through the slow down, but this year I am not sure. I have savings but not as much as before because DH lost his job because he called in sick during his 90 probation period...(he was extremely sick and they knew it, and had him work 2 weeks after he called in before they 'fired' him...I was so mad I wanted to spit! They knew he was sick, they sent him home one day...then 2 weeks later to say it was because you called in 2 weeks ago...!) and he is having a hard time finding a new job because of the 'fire' status...he has never been fired before, he is trying to deal with that...I am trying to be strong and encouraging to him...but I find myself snapping at him and getting easily annoyed by him when I am home (I travel on the road for at least 2 weeks at a time and will return home for 3 days before leaving again, so we don't have much time together, except this week I am working from home) and then I feel bad that I am so short with him...and it comes in little burst...I am worried about making it through this slow down and am trying to be there for DH but I feel heavy burdened. I am in school via the internet going for my BS degree...I had a 3.83 GPA, up until this last semester...I did so poorly I flunk my last 2 classes...not because they were hard, but because I lost my enthusiasm for school, so much was happening other things got in the way and I literally gave up. I am so disappointed in myself.....

I wonder if this is the devil and/or his minions attacking my family? I am trying to watch my tongue but I get frustrated seeing DH on the couch! Though I know he is doing what he can. I also hear him talking to his brother about how he has had anxiety attacks and stuff since this all happened, and he is just not I think he is being attacked also. I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to get DH out of this slump he is in, nor do I know what will happen if there is a slow down and I don't work...we will truly be in trouble.

I am reading my bible, listening to the bible and asking for guidance when I read..I need to hear from God, I need some sense of that crazy? I know you are supposed to take your problems to God and leave them with Him at the problem is picking those same problems back up again..I don't know how to leave them there?

sorry this is so long and so much like a 'pity me' post...I have been fighting myself about talking to anyone about this, I finally decided to post it here for some Christian advice from fellow women of God....any advice or verses to study?
I don't have the time to send you versus because I'm here at work and my boss would flip if he saw me with my bible out, others will come with that. Below are scriptures that I used to stand on.

Before that I would like to say put your focus on God. It sounds like you're trying to deal the situation in yourself. When we do that everything goes haywire, plus it stops God from coming in to the situation and working it out and this is because we've placed ourselves in the control seat. Pray earnestly for God to help you to change in this situation, so that in all things he will be glorified and get the praise for working this thing out for you. Pray also for your DH strength and employemnt as well as the ability to go through this and not fall in to rebellion and self pity. Keep in mind also that he is going thorough as well and may not feel the best about himself at this point.

Always remember that Jesus is there for you. Start praising God like you've never praised him before. Let the devil know that you are a child of God and you will not be defeated. "God says, in his word NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US SHOULD PROSPER" and it won't. He says, "He'll bless us according to his riches in glory by christ Jesus" (don't worry about finances). "Greater is he that is in me/you than he that is in the world". "All things work to the good of those who love the Lord according to the purpose with which we are called" (it's going to work out in your favor, TRUST HIM). Remember, you are "Cast down, but not forsaken when we are weak God is every so strong (this will only last a moment).

Be encouraged. Be encouraged.

I'm praying for you and your DH.

As someone who has experienced a renewed relationship with Jesus(after backsliding), I found out the devil is busier than ever...He would find members of my family, people around me and circumstances to put doubt and frustration in front of me. However, since I "LET GO AND LET GOD" this has allowed me to open up my heart and mind to him and listen as he talks to me. God has always been with me-I shut him out but he took me back in his loving arms and told me it was going to be okay. He has allowed me to begin rebuilding my life and my marriage(that is another story) and I know I can do all things in Christ who strengthened me. Allow yourself to listen to God by dropping all those worries, read your Bible and pray -allow God to speak to you and God will show you the right path.
Hmmmmm, :scratchch:

Okay! Let's not give satan too much credit for what he loves doing most...being a nuisance.

Let's call this God showing you that in the very midst of your trials, He will never leave you nor forsake you. NO not ever.

Leaving the world comes with baggage that you have to 'shake' off and out of your system (your spirit). You are going to have 'leftovers' from the world's lifestyle, that you've walked away from and it comes off in layers. The layers have the consequences of being outside of God. Yet with each shedding of each layer, God is making all things new for you.

So in truth, although we'd like to think satan is putting up a fight. It's really God showing you where, you've been and what you don't want to go back to...

He loves you just that much. :grouphug2:
Always remember that Jesus is there for you. Start praising God like you've never praised him before. Let the devil know that you are a child of God and you will not be defeated. "God says, in his word NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US SHOULD PROSPER" and it won't. He says, "He'll bless us according to his riches in glory by christ Jesus" (don't worry about finances). "Greater is he that is in me/you than he that is in the world". "All things work to the good of those who love the Lord according to the purpose with which we are called" (it's going to work out in your favor, TRUST HIM). Remember, you are "Cast down, but not forsaken when we are weak God is every so strong (this will only last a moment).

(the bolded) you are so right...reading your post helped me to remember that I can do nothing without God...oh this just made me feel so good...thank you so very very much...
Hmmmmm, :scratchch:

Okay! Let's not give satan too much credit for what he loves doing most...being a nuisance.

Let's call this God showing you that in the very midst of your trials, He will never leave you nor forsake you. NO not ever.

Leaving the world comes with baggage that you have to 'shake' off and out of your system (your spirit). You are going to have 'leftovers' from the world's lifestyle, that you've walked away from and it comes off in layers. The layers have the consequences of being outside of God. Yet with each shedding of each layer, God is making all things new for you.

So in truth, although we'd like to think satan is putting up a fight. It's really God showing you where, you've been and what you don't want to go back to...

He loves you just that much. :grouphug2:

You are right, I need to stop saying or thinking that the devil has control over me and mine...I need to remember that God is in control and not me. My leftovers are a consequence of turning away from God, so I should expect some refining to take place and know that it will not feel good, but it is God's way of doing what is best for me and my husband, in all aspects of my life.
Thank you all so much...stepping out of the 'why me' realm and into the light of the Lord. I have to reprogram my thinking and my thoughts...going to read psalms now...thank again.