Red Palm Butter

Mrs. Verde

Well-Known Member
I bought Red Palm Butter from Camden-Grey. It stained my towel and pillow case horribly. :perplexed Is staining an issue with all Red Palm butter or just the kind from Camden-Grey ?
Oooh girl, I am so sorry to hear that. I have never left Red Palm Butter in my hair.

I only use it for conditioning either hot oil or regular oil pre poos.

It is great stuff, but needs to come with a warning. You cannot use it in it's pure form and leave it in your hair.
Yes it does stain, but it should wash out. I only use in for prepoos and deep conditioners now. When it did stain, it washed right out for me without additional stain removers.
Oooh girl, I am so sorry to hear that. I have never left Red Palm Butter in my hair.

I only use it for conditioning either hot oil or regular oil pre poos.

It is great stuff, but needs to come with a warning. You cannot use it in it's pure form and leave it in your hair.
Hmmm, I've read a few posts and ladies just put it directly in their hair. I did use it in it's pure form and just added it to my hair. Breaded it and went to sleep. Was this bad?
I have the kind from camdengrey and it usually washes out of whatever I get it on. Normally I use it to pre-poo but I have left it in with no problem. I just used a small amount and braided my hair up. I put a scarf on so maybe that's why it dosen't get on my pillow case.
I just got my red palm oil from Camden-Grey today! I would love to see what it looks and feels like... I can't get the tub open! :perplexed It has a vapor seal lock. I'm about to break what little nails I have trying to open it. Can someone please tell me how to open this? It's probably something so simple... :help:
I couldn't wait to get this on my hair! I just put it on dry ends... Much softer... I'll definitely try this for pre-poo!:grin: