Red Palm Butter Turned Strange


Well-Known Member
I bought some Red Palm Butter late last year and now it has small hardened yellow balls in it. Has this happened to anyone? Should I have stored it in the fridge. It's been in my bathroom for the last couple months.
Those are most likely just balls of the super solidified butter - if you melt it, they should all melt, and they might solidify creamy again - it's about the temp range in which it melts/solidifies that makes the little balls. I don't worry about em...
My red palm did this. It was from me leaving the top off i believe. But once i melted by rubbing my hands together they where gone.
You can also purchase red palm butter from any local African grocery store. It is a staple used for cooking some African dishes. As for the solidifying, that happens almost all the time, especially if kept in cool place. It melts easily like the others said.