Red palm butter--how do you use it?


Well-Known Member
I recently purchased red palm butter but now I can't remmeber how I am supposed to use it. I know Sareca liks it but I can't find the thread. How are you all using it and what hair benefits have you noticed since using it? Someone please help a sista' out and tell me how to use this butter. Thank you.
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I use it to pre-poo with and it works very well for that. It makes my hair easier to detangle.

I think Sareca makes a creme with it.
It's outstanding for oil rinses and prepoos. I also mix mine with stuff and use it as a moisturizer.
Sometimes I use it as a prepoo and then after I get out the shower I put it right back in it keeps my hair soft days, less detangling and I can easily slip my hair up into a pony tail without adding other stuff to it. I also put on on the ends of my hair while its in the pony tail I love it. it does stain so you have to be careful about how much you use.
Poka, how do you pre-poo with it??? I have been thinking about getting some of this, but I am afraid it will stain.

I part my hair in 4 sections and apply the butter to each section and detangle it then braid it up so it will stay detangled, then I'll put a shower cap on and let it marinate for a few hours or over night if I have the time. It's really good and i like the fact that it detangles. I haven't had a problem with stains.
I part my hair in 4 sections and apply the butter to each section and detangle it then braid it up so it will stay detangled, then I'll put a shower cap on and let it marinate for a few hours or over night if I have the time. It's really good and i like the fact that it detangles. I haven't had a problem with stains.

Thanks! ***runs out of thread to go order red palm butter***