reason(s) for keeping hair relaxed/natural????????

reasons for staying natural
1. I am too cheap to pay someone to do my hair
2. I am too cheap to pay a babysitter while I am at a salon
3. I have no time to go to a salon to get relaxed
4. The chemical smiles at a salon make my nausea
5. I hate my hair straight
6. my hair does not relax well. My hair rejects relaxers. It appears to the naked eye that my relaxers washes out within a week.
7. Did I mention I am cheap. Why pay someone to do my hair if I can do it myself when I want to.
In the words of Lbellatrix . . .

"I STAY natural for my hair's health AND in defiance of any notion that any part of me needs "fixing" simply because it doesn't conform to what any scared or insecure person/society/the media says is beautiful or acceptable."

Our hair is beautiful simply because we are God's creation and every single detail of God's creation is beautiful.
Right now, I still consider myself transitioning, although I get tempted to start back relaxing again. But the reason why I would like to have natural hair is mainly so I won't have to worry about underprocessed hair, and suffering breakage from not having my hair permed straight enough.

So, I'm kinda in the middle, although deep inside, I really want to become a natural. I haven't been natural since I was 10.
Re: reason(s) for keeping hair relaxed/natural????

I have always worn my hair straight. My mother pressed my hair as a child, and when I became an adult, I began to receive relaxers.

Personally, I think that straight hair is more becoming to by face.

I tried a natural when I was 22, and missed the options that straight hair afforded me: hair worn down, worn up, worn straight, worn curled. I also did not believe the natural was the most becoming for me.

pookeylou said:

4) I was tired of the clutter that existed on my bathroom know, the curling iron, flat iron, blow dryer (in case my edges and nape got wet in the shower)etc. It was starting to look like my sink was on life support.

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It took me 2 or 3 years to be brave enough to go natural, but when I did I *LOVED* it! I stay natural because (I think Flame has already expressed the same feeling) I feel that God did not make a mistake when he created us to have this type of hair. It is special that we are the only people on the planet with our lovely kinky, coily hair! Why would I want to change it? It has become something of a vanity to me now. (Yeah, I'm praying about that!) When I touch it, I fall more in love with it and could not bear to part with it. I'm not saying that I will never relax again, but I *highly* doubt it. I would miss my little pen springs and the fullness that my hair has. I am by no means a militant woman who condemns all who relax because hair is, after all, just hair. Happy growing to all!
Napy247 said:
In the words of Lbellatrix . . .

"I STAY natural for my hair's health AND in defiance of any notion that any part of me needs "fixing" simply because it doesn't conform to what any scared or insecure person/society/the media says is beautiful or acceptable."

Our hair is beautiful simply because we are God's creation and every single detail of God's creation is beautiful.

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ITA with you and LBellatrix!
My hair is natural now but I want to ~slightly~ texturize because I want to have more styling options. My hope to experience the "best of both worlds"
I think my natural hair is fun. It seems like I keep learning new things about my hair. Just the other day I tried a new hairstyle and I was like... my hair can do that. I also like the fact that I stand out now... not too many naturals in New Orleans, it also has cut down on the "are you mixed?" question. lol
Mufasa said:
My hair is natural now but I want to ~slightly~ texturize because I want to have more styling options. My hope to experience the "best of both worlds"

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it's your hair and your choice but texturising is a permanent chemical... surely a press would let you experience straight hair as well as your natural texture?
Napy247 said:
In the words of Lbellatrix . . .

"I STAY natural for my hair's health AND in defiance of any notion that any part of me needs "fixing" simply because it doesn't conform to what any scared or insecure person/society/the media says is beautiful or acceptable."

Our hair is beautiful simply because we are God's creation and every single detail of God's creation is beautiful.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm natural because:
~ I realized I didn't HAVE to have a relaxer in order for my hair to look good.
~ Relaxers left sores on my scalp
~ It's so much easier to switch styles up, and I think I look better rockin a huge puff than with my daily relaxer style - a slicked back, skinny ponytail.
Daughter said:
Mufasa said:
My hair is natural now but I want to ~slightly~ texturize because I want to have more styling options. My hope to experience the "best of both worlds"

[/ QUOTE ]

it's your hair and your choice but texturising is a permanent chemical... surely a press would let you experience straight hair as well as your natural texture?

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Perhaps - currently, I am working here in Germany. They do not have air-conditioning and only use windows. A press most definitely would not have worked during the heat wave this past summer
Not a fan of buns I'm afraid
Daughter said:
Mufasa said:
My hair is natural now but I want to ~slightly~ texturize because I want to have more styling options. My hope to experience the "best of both worlds"

[/ QUOTE ]

it's your hair and your choice but texturising is a permanent chemical... surely a press would let you experience straight hair as well as your natural texture?

[/ QUOTE ]

In my opinion from knowing Mufasa,
She has gathered enough information on texturizing/relaxing to make an informed decision. For some people, texturizing IS the best of both worlds---Not everyone prefers to deal with natural hair.
i keep it natural cause frankly, i prefer to wear my hair how it grows naturally out of my head. My hair is at its healthiest this way and i have many styling options.
Having been relaxed for most of my life and now natural, my hair is much healthier and stronger than it ever has been. People have said to me "La'Ketta, you would sit through someone pressing your hair with a hotcomb? Girl, I couldn't do it." I would simply say "You sit there having people put burning chemicals in your hair all the time. I don't see too much of a difference." I prefer thick hair and mine was limp and lifeless when I was relaxed.
I went natural because:
-I don't like going to beauty salons
-every single time I got a relaxer or a texturizer, I was left with scabs behind my ears, on my scalp and on the back of my neck
-I was tired of going through so much blood, sweat, and tears for hair that looked like crap just a little while later.
-I was tired of people telling me that I would only be pretty if I had a perm.

-The relaxers never satisfied me. They just left me with limp hair that I had to "protect" against rain and water.

-I wanted to make my life easier.

I stay natural because:
-I've come to love my hair
-I love the natural hairstyles, and I want to try as many as possible!
-My hair finally looks decent, and this without half the effort!
-I want to be who am I and not alter myself for someone else's satisfaction.