Reaping and Sowing-What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Last night at bible study this topic came up. There were a few who said that they did not think that it was real because they know people who do horrible/cruel/dishonest things all the time and have never paid for it, infact those peoples lives seemed better for it.

All I know is that it is a law of God and it is true. A point that a brother brought up is the reason that people think that the law of reaping and sowing is not real is because maybe they are thinking that what ever a person did that the same thing is going to happen to them eventually and when it seems that is doesn't it makes them think that it is not valid. I never thought about it like that, I have been thinking about it everysince he said it.

I know that sometimese people reap instantly and for others it can take years for them to sow. All I know it that it happens. What do you ladies think about reaping and sowing? Just curious.
Sometime we don't think people reap because it doesn't happen to them the way we think it should. I've seen peoples children pay the price for what they did. Ever had a mean co-work, who got paid well, but there was chaos all up in their house...husband/wife an adulturer, children on drugs, or wayward etc... Or have you ever noticed that the same things they do to you someone they love is going through the same thing. Reap and Sow.

Sometimes people reap way later in life you may not see it, but it happens. Visit a convelescent home and check out some of the bitter folks around there look at the way they suffer. Sometimes in the mind they are stuck in the mess they did. It's like a trap they can't get out of. Reap and Sow.

Also sometimes, God puts people in place to purposly do certain things to lead us and guides to where he wants us to be. What God shared with me on this is although, that person might be mean and nasty I allowed it for your making. Sometimes people's meaness is them actaully being obiedient to God.
The sermon at my church on Sunday was on this exact same issue! I believe in reaping and sowing but it often times it doesn't happen immediately. For example, if you put a bulb in the ground and water it, you don't expect to see a flower the very next day. It could take weeks, or months before you see anything and then it takes even more time before it fully blooms.

Also, appearances can be deceiving. There may be people who appear wealthy, but may be in serious debt. Or they may appear to be smiling everytime you see them, but they have no peace of mind and can't sleep at night. You just never know what is really going on in someone's life. They could be reaping what they've sown (good and bad) and you just haven't seen it.
Also, appearances can be deceiving. There may be people who appear wealthy, but may be in serious debt. Or they may appear to be smiling everytime you see them, but they have no peace of mind and can't sleep at night. You just never know what is really going on in someone's life. They could be reaping what they've sown (good and bad) and you just haven't seen it.

You made a very good point, our minister for the bible study is going to switch gears and we are going to be studying this for a while.
Sow and Reap is a natural and spiritual law. A natural example would be planting corn and and growing/harvesting corn. The spiritual law... if you do/sow good you're gonna receive/reap good, the same with evil. We may not see it happen the way we think it should but it's gonna happen.
I was always taught that the children would be the ones who suffer
also the people around you that you treasure
Sashaa's post is on point, especially the bolded. God knows our hearts more than anyone, including us. He knows us inside and out, b/c He's our manufacturer. Therefore, God knows just how to make us reap what we've sowed (if that makes sense). I always say, "there's no revenge, like God's revenge; and when God blesses, He BLESSES!" As Sashaa said, you may think someone is just going along peacefully living after they've done their dirt, but they may have no inner peace. Also, God does not always choose to make our dirt public. In my own life, if I've done wrong, often God won't "bring it to the light of the world," but I always pay (and it's not even something so bad). I now interpret everything in the dark will come to the light to mean that everything we do (in the "dark") is known to God (because God is the light). Therefore, we never actually hide things from God, and even if He chooses not to publicly humiliate someone for their acts, He sees it and He is displeased. And because light and darkness cannot reside in the same body, He must deal with us accordingly.

Also, it it my personal belief that when a public scandal happens (i.e. a lot of these pastors such as Jamal Bryant, Zachary Timms, Paula White, Juanita Bynum, etc.) God had warned the people to turn away from their ways. God hurts when we sin and God doesn't enjoy having to "punish us." I think a lot of Chrisitians think that God is sitting up there with a marker and a Blackboard, just ready to send us to the fiery pits of Hell everytime we sin, like "I knew that child couldn't do it!" Quite the contrary, IMO. I think this is truly why He sent Jesus. God suffers when we sin, b/c that takes us further from Him. But unlike us (humans), He's bigger and better than us, and I personally believe it's God's goal to win over all matter what it takes. No matter how many times someone falls. He wants us, all of us, that's why it says He's a jealous God. It's not that He doesn't want us to enjoy the world, but He wants our heart. And when we sin (especially knowingly) He does not have that. God wants to rebuild us when we sin, and sometimes the only way to do this is to bring turmoil into our lives (publicly or privately). He is always forgiving and loving. I hope this long post helps someone!

The sermon at my church on Sunday was on this exact same issue! I believe in reaping and sowing but it often times it doesn't happen immediately. For example, if you put a bulb in the ground and water it, you don't expect to see a flower the very next day. It could take weeks, or months before you see anything and then it takes even more time before it fully blooms.

Also, appearances can be deceiving. There may be people who appear wealthy, but may be in serious debt. Or they may appear to be smiling everytime you see them, but they have no peace of mind and can't sleep at night. You just never know what is really going on in someone's life. They could be reaping what they've sown (good and bad) and you just haven't seen it.