Really Thick, Wiry Strands of Hair!!!!


New Member
I have two thinning spots on my hairline that are now starting to fill in. Here is a picture of one of the sides.


Luckily they have started to fill in after I stopped getting relaxers and stopped flat ironing my hair all the time. But what is freaking me out is that I have VERY coarse, wiry hairs growing in. My hair in the front is already coarse, but these hairs are REALLY thick! I know that my scalp in these areas usually feel tender or kind of sore. I looked in the mirror and didnt see any redness or sores. So... I pulled a strand of hair out... :look: To my surprise it was a really thick strand of hair. Almost close to a needle thick! I could hear it when I rolled it between my fingers. I was wondering if these hairs growing in could actually make my scalp feel tender. :perplexed I know this sounds crazy, but I've never seen anything like this before. Why are these hairs growing in so thick???
Maybe that's your real hair texture and you are just noticing it now because you stopped relaxing?

Other than that, it could be something hormonal.
Is it possible your hair is dry? Try some deep conditioning to soften it up. BTW...your hair in the pic doesn't look the way you described it. It looks soft with medium thickness.