Really Good deep moisturizing dominican product


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Can I get any suggestions on a really good deep moisturizing dominican conditioner. Right now I am using Keracare humecto and it is really god but I would like to add another one to the lineup. I would like it to be not too watery, provides slip/detangling since I am transitioning and leaves the hair soft and moisturized. Hope I could find one with all those requirements. So please help a sista out and tell me which one is really good. Oh and if you have used it please tell me your likes and dislikes. TIA
Capilo's Miel Y Leche- The first product that melted away my matting; I didn't even know that hair could be detangled 14 weeks post! It's very moisturizing and provides a lot of slip. It's thick and creamy. Kinda smells like old plastic though... :lol: