Really? For $200 they will burn your split ends off!


Well-Known Member
Ever since Victoria's Secret model Barbara Fialho revealed the secret Brazilian solution for split ends, velaterapia—otherwise known as hair burning—has been a seriously hot topic in the beauty industry. (See what we did there?)

Since taking fire to our tresses sounds a little terrifying, we decided to get the lowdown on lighting up from an expert. Ricky Gomes, a senior stylist at Maria Bonita Salon & Spa, has performed tons of velaterapia (or, as the salon also refers to it, "candle cutting") treatments since Fialho's big reveal.

Is candle cutting is right for you? According to Gomes, it's the perfect solution for girls who want to keep their hair long but have split ends that prevent it from growing. "The service entails getting rid of the split ends without taking any of the length off," he says. Um, where do we sign up?

Assuming your hair and bank account fit the bill (the service will typically put you out between 180 and 200 bucks), you'll need to set aside about two hours, depending on hair length and texture, to get the job done. That's par for the course when it comes to salon treatments, but it's still a time commitment—so bring along a book or two.

Once you sign on, it's a pretty simple process. "First, I divide the hair in sections, twisting small sections until you can see flyaways. With a candle, I burn out the flyaways that are sticking out," he says. "Then, we do the Envix Deep Conditioning Masque, one of Maria Bonita's signature treatments. The masque has 20 different ingredients that seal and cauterize the cuticles. We finalize the candle cutting by blow-drying the hair and—voila!—the result is silky, smooth and gorgeous hair." It'll last about three months.

What makes candle cutting so much better than going under the scissors? "The benefit is that all the length is preserved and only split ends are removed. You can't really see how much is burned off since only what sticks out from the hair has been sectioned and twisted."

As to the most common fear—that your beloved mane will get burned right off—Gomes advises against going to a salon that doesn't have much experience doing it. And whatever you do, do NOT take matters into your own hands, for obvious reasons. Let's leave the singeing to the pros, shall we? it only last three months, though? What happens to the "mended ends" after those three months?
Oh this is what some people did after putting in individual braids with synthetic hair. Remember when people would run a lighter down each braid? The after pic was good but I was always worried about my real hair in the braids. No one still does that, do they?

Now other people want to act as if they discovering something new... it only last three months, though? What happens to the "mended ends" after those three months?[/QUOTE

That's what I was thinking?

No thank you. I'll just trim and S&D and call it a day
I honestly didn't know that this was a tradition in Brazil, I will definitely youtube the techniques. I started doing this a while ago because it is one of the native american ways of cutting your hair. So I used this as my own personal s&d in a way, by taking it a few strands at a time. I don't cut my hair and found that this is less traumatic on my hair.
I believe that your hair can feel everything and cutting it sounds very viscous to me.
No, thats repulsive. Traditions like this were kept so that our hair could grow and now it is being marketed off of once again. Instead they should teach women how to do this to their own hair and educate themselves of hair care.
But thats just my natural crunchy raw vegan hippie opinion.
I honestly didn't know that this was a tradition in Brazil, I will definitely youtube the techniques. I started doing this a while ago because it is one of the native american ways of cutting your hair. So I used this as my own personal s&d in a way, by taking it a few strands at a time. I don't cut my hair and found that this is less traumatic on my hair.
I believe that your hair can feel everything and cutting it sounds very viscous to me.
No, thats repulsive. Traditions like this were kept so that our hair could grow and now it is being marketed off of once again. Instead they should teach women how to do this to their own hair and educate themselves of hair care.
But thats just my natural crunchy raw vegan hippie opinion.

But it's a dead thing made out of dead cells...

Edit: So, if cutting sounds viscous, burning sounds better? :perplexed
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Well to you it is a dead thing, then that is what it will be to you
To me, it is an extension of me, of myself, apart of me
Is that so crazy to believe that something which comes from me is alive and apart of me
I adopted this way of thinking so that I would take better care of my hair, realizing that it was not an accessory to abuse but an asset to cherish.
Please do not pick and choose through my post to find the one thing that stands out to you that you do not agree with or find outside of your box of thinking
My overall answer to the question was I thought it was not a good idea to pay that amount, which I'm sure most will agree with.
Why get lost on MY opinion of MY hair?
Maybe if more black women would treat their hair as such we wouldn't have this epidemic of short haired sisters.

And yes I feel that slicing through your hair with scissors is more intense and brutal than lightly singeing. It has to do with using the element of fire to cleanse yourself. It's a spiritual thing when you cut your hair. Do most women not cut their hair on a full moon?
I'm pretty sure I posted about this back in 09 either here or BHM

My cousins and aunts have done this since forever. In all honesty for the longest I thought all islanders did this til I came on the boards and people gave me the side eye lol

This is nothing new and in my opinion its nothing special. It does the same exact thing as a trim or s&d. But they want to charge you $200??? Child please!
Well to you it is a dead thing, then that is what it will be to you
To me, it is an extension of me, of myself, apart of me
Is that so crazy to believe that something which comes from me is alive and apart of me
I adopted this way of thinking so that I would take better care of my hair, realizing that it was not an accessory to abuse but an asset to cherish.
Please do not pick and choose through my post to find the one thing that stands out to you that you do not agree with or find outside of your box of thinking
My overall answer to the question was I thought it was not a good idea to pay that amount, which I'm sure most will agree with.
Why get lost on MY opinion of MY hair?
Maybe if more black women would treat their hair as such we wouldn't have this epidemic of short haired sisters.

And yes I feel that slicing through your hair with scissors is more intense and brutal than lightly singeing. It has to do with using the element of fire to cleanse yourself. It's a spiritual thing when you cut your hair. Do most women not cut their hair on a full moon?

I didn't pick through your post to find anything. I also consider my hair an extension of myself, and I care for it as such but I do know that it's a fact that it is not alive (which is one reason why it can't be "repaired") and it is also a fact that it is made up of dead skin cells. That's one of the reasons why I don't do a whole lot to my hair. I more or less "preserve" it more than anything. I consider it an extension of myself, like the white parts of my fingernails (which are also dead), and when they get snagged and unruly (like split ends of hair), I cut them off also. I'm not telling you how to feel, I'm just making an observation based on fact. If someone told me they wanted to burn/singe any living part of my body instead of cutting it, I would choose neither, that's all :lol:

I don't know anyone who personally cuts their hair by the moon. I know people do it, just not anyone I know (that I know of). Everyone I know cuts their hair when they look at it and they think it needs cut. For me that's about twice a year. A lot of ladies on this board do that also... some like to cut a lot though and search/destroy every week :lol:
Thats the other thing, I dont believe it will mend the split ends, thats silly
I do it in replacement of cutting, its not mending, its burning it right off.
I wonder if this technique will take off now
You sound crazy as heck. :nono:

Well to you it is a dead thing, then that is what it will be to you
To me, it is an extension of me, of myself, apart of me
Is that so crazy to believe that something which comes from me is alive and apart of me
I adopted this way of thinking so that I would take better care of my hair, realizing that it was not an accessory to abuse but an asset to cherish.
Please do not pick and choose through my post to find the one thing that stands out to you that you do not agree with or find outside of your box of thinking
My overall answer to the question was I thought it was not a good idea to pay that amount, which I'm sure most will agree with.
Why get lost on MY opinion of MY hair?
Maybe if more black women would treat their hair as such we wouldn't have this epidemic of short haired sisters.

And yes I feel that slicing through your hair with scissors is more intense and brutal than lightly singeing. It has to do with using the element of fire to cleanse yourself. It's a spiritual thing when you cut your hair. Do most women not cut their hair on a full moon?
Thats the other thing, I dont believe it will mend the split ends, thats silly
I do it in replacement of cutting, its not mending, its burning it right off.
I wonder if this technique will take off now

It probably will. Whenever a supermodel says she does anything in her beauty regimen others race out to try it. Then when/if it doesn't work for them they say she must be lying :lol:
If you think that sounds crazy you should hear my views
on Gmos, vaccinations, the education system, and dare I say RELIGION
after facing a fat exotics blunt. I'm truly hilarious!
My wife and homeschooled son both tell me so.
I'm a natural, black, vegan, lesbian, homeschooler, spiritualist
who believes in aliens, atlantis,Nibiru, and Nephilim
most things that come out of my mouth to many people
sound crazy. So which part did it for you?
The high regard and respect I hold my hair to?
Fire over scissors?
Which part rustled your feathers enough to deem me
coco for cocoa puffs?
Thanks for the added 2 cents but doesn't answer the question to the original post.
Is 200 cash worth the price of burning your ends. I stated my answer. Nope. What's your view?

You all are unintentionally hijacking the post by sucking me off. IJS

You sound crazy as heck. :nono:
OO I'm waiting for the youtube tutorial fail.
Because even I dont burn that much at once
I do a s&d ... and I've seen some tutorials already
and their hair sparks. ::sigh::

It probably will. Whenever a supermodel says she does anything in her beauty regimen others race out to try it. Then when/if it doesn't work for them they say she must be lying :lol:
The post that I quoted...and now this one makes you sound like a total whack job. :lol:...not just parts.

And I have no problem hijacking threads. It's not that serious.:lol:

And I don't want to hear your views on that other stuff. Thanks, but, no thanks. :look:

If you think that sounds crazy you should hear my views
on Gmos, vaccinations, the education system, and dare I say RELIGION
after facing a fat exotics blunt. I'm truly hilarious!
My wife and homeschooled son both tell me so.
I'm a natural, black, vegan, lesbian, homeschooler, spiritualist
who believes in aliens, atlantis,Nibiru, and Nephilim
most things that come out of my mouth to many people
sound crazy. So which part did it for you?
The high regard and respect I hold my hair to?
Fire over scissors?
Which part rustled your feathers enough to deem me
coco for cocoa puffs?
Thanks for the added 2 cents but doesn't answer the question to the original post.
Is 200 cash worth the price of burning your ends. I stated my answer. Nope. What's your view?

You all are unintentionally hijacking the post by sucking me off. IJS
If you think that sounds crazy you should hear my views
on Gmos, vaccinations, the education system, and dare I say RELIGION
after facing a fat exotics blunt. I'm truly hilarious!
My wife and homeschooled son both tell me so.
I'm a natural, black, vegan, lesbian, homeschooler, spiritualist
who believes in aliens, atlantis,Nibiru, and Nephilim
most things that come out of my mouth to many people
sound crazy. So which part did it for you?
The high regard and respect I hold my hair to?
Fire over scissors?
Which part rustled your feathers enough to deem me
coco for cocoa puffs?
Thanks for the added 2 cents but doesn't answer the question to the original post.
Is 200 cash worth the price of burning your ends. I stated my answer. Nope. What's your view?

You all are unintentionally hijacking the post by sucking me off. IJS

I like your posts, you have an interesting POV!

Oh and $200 is highway robbery for something like that! That article or whatever contradicts itself in a way. Anywho, sounds just like S&Ding (<-- that's what it's called right? Lol), just maybe a little quicker and utilizing fire.
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Me too,, you're halarious!!! I respect you're views. And HELL no I wouldn't pay $200 bucks for a repair that last 3 months...
$200 to burn your hair. No. I agree with the pp that we used to do this when we were making extensions look neat. Ain't nothing new or great about it. I'm gonna stick with the scissors.

And yall about to need a spanking up in here huh? :spank: :lol:

Yall leave bronxsoloist alone. She ain't did nothing to nobody but state an opinion. It's one thing to disagree, but calling names is just :nono: :naughty:

Sent from my Snow White Frost Galaxy S4 using LHCF
This is all kinds of senseless jargon. :perplexed

The flame from a candle is an unstable flicker, it comes in and's not going to evenly mend a split end. Pretending to control a candle's flame as if it were a precise instrument is just silly. Missing the split and burning healthy ends is a million times more likely, which would only degrade the hair and make the proteins brittle which would equal in more split ends. Using a scissor is already tricky enough, considering that if one holds the scissor improperly the corners of the ends won't be even, promoting a split in the near future.

And to assume that hair that pokes out of a braid is a split is just ridiculous. Please don't do this to your hair ladies! :nono:
Is candle cutting is right for you? According to Gomes, it's the perfect solution for girls who want to keep their hair long but have split ends that prevent it from growing. "The service entails getting rid of the split ends without taking any of the length off," he says. Um, where do we sign up?

This doesn't make any sense. If you're hair is already long then obviously the split ends didn't prevent the hair from growing. Just do a search & destroy and cut off that 1/2 of hair. Not knocking anyone who gets this, but finding out WHY you have so many split ends might help retain length in the long run. You're hair is still going to grow, you're just not retaining length for whatever reason.

Once you sign on, it's a pretty simple process. "First, I divide the hair in sections, twisting small sections until you can see flyaways. With a candle, I burn out the flyaways that are sticking out," he says. "Then, we do the Envix Deep Conditioning Masque, one of Maria Bonita's signature treatments. The masque has 20 different ingredients that seal and cauterize the cuticles. We finalize the candle cutting by blow-drying the hair and—voila!—the result is silky, smooth and gorgeous hair." It'll last about three months.

Forget the candle cutting.. I want some of this Maria Bonita hair masque. Sounds divine & delish!
Thank you, to those that appreciated my measly 2 cents:up:
I didn't mean for it to turn into anything else
I was answering the question seriously
and giving my honest opinion as someone whose done the crazy
and put fire to my hair
I guess its way more controversial than I'd originally thought:spinning:
But now that I'm officially taking myself off lurk mode
since I see how easy it is to rustle feathers
my eccentric opinions will be painted all throughout lhcf
in bright neon rainbow :yep:

And as for velatarpiaasuarus wtf ever it's called
Hopefully no one pays for this type of treatment session
It is an out of the box way of handling your hair
unique and dangerous
But it is traditional to some people
and I've seen it done (not that way) by a native american
and it felt like a nice cleanse/clean break from the split ends aka the same thing you get when you cut it. Same Results, different method.
Meh. Im not burning my hair. But I can see how it would eb a spiritual/cleansing ritual. Not every three mobths, since I dont get enough splits for that. Maybe I the beginning of the year, like for a fresh start? And not at a salon. But by a healer or someone of that sort. No different than a colonic and facial...minus the whole fire bit lol