
New Member
Hey Ladies

I'd tried the EQP mango butter before but my hair was sticky because I was using huge globs of it.

Well after watching macherieamour I got another jar and just started using small amounts -- sectioning my hair and moisturizing each section with small dabs.

I've been using it for almost a week and I can really tell a difference in the moisture and suppleness of my hair. Plus its not greasy or sticky at all. Its has a lovely sheen and my color doesn't look ashy anymore.

Definatately give this a whirl if you're looking for a nice inexpensive (6 bucks at my beauty supply) moisturizer.

You can find a location to buy near you on Elasta QPs website.

Loves :drunk:

This has been on my list to try like forever. I just have to use up some stuff first. I love how it smells.
I can hardly wait to try this too! Sounds really good from all the rave reviews I've seen on it.

OT: Pokahontas, your hair BEAUTIFUL!!!! That middle pic is just gorgeous!!
This has been on my list to try like forever. I just have to use up some stuff first. I love how it smells.

the smell is nice...its really relaxing. i put it in before bed so i like having the scent as i'm falling asleep. its a nice smell but not overwhelming.

BTW Pokahontas and OT YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS!!!! off to stalk ur fotki....:yep:

I've posted this before but I think I should again for good measure. This seems like a big hit or miss item for alot of people. Initially for me it was a miss since it just seemed to sit on my hair, you know? But I read an old thread about how ladies were using it as a 'base' for adding dabs of various extra oils/butters you might have lying around (like olive, coconut, shea, jojoba, etc.) and a little instant conditioner for slip.
So naturally I try it since I have nothing to lose with all the extra stuff I had lying around and it comes out a little less of a heavy texture and actually moisturizes and penetrates my hair unlike before.
Anyways, I'd try it 'virgin' a couple times first then spike it if it doesn't work out that way. Just don't add too large of a quantity of oils and stuff. A couple good dabs should be fine.
ETA: Also this works better for some people on wet or damp hair. I remember enjoying sealing my wet ends with it in the past.
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I love this stuff, I use it to smooth my little ones edges better than any gel.... I got a sample from anther QP product and have been smitten every since! :yep:
Mango butter is one of my staples. I use it on wet hair. It softens my curls beautifully.
I have a love/hate relationship with this thing. I love the way it smooths down my NG and the shine!! It moisturizes well too. But I hate the way it smells sometimes and it can kinda harden on my hair...but I'm more in love with it than hate, so some how I always come back to this product.
Regarding the Elasta QP Mango Butter, it was nice and silky when I first used it. I was really impressed, and the smell is "heavenly!" The following morning I was so shocked that my ends were so dry--bone dry. :nono: Can't have that.

I said to myself: "What happened to my ends?!" I decided to pour some olive oil in it--which made it better--:clap: but I won't be replacing it. Also, it will "mold" if it sits for a while :down: . . . so it's best to put it in the freezer if you don't use it often--like me.