Real talk -Vent questions- LOOOONNNNNGGGG!


Well-Known Member
1.) What exactly is joy? If you have a bad day and get angry/sad, and one tells you that you have allowed the enemy to steal your joy, do you believe this? This leads me to my other question- do you believe that sometimes one can be so spiritually minded that they are no earthly good? Why is one considered fleshly if they react in the physical realm, ie, crying, getting angry (but not sinning), being a bit selfish at time, etc etc. We ALL have experienced this, but it seems like we can forget this and bypass it with well intentioned, but sometime harmful comments. ( I think everyone can say they are guilty of this:yep: )

2.) Have you mastered keeping your issues to yourself? I've made a mental choice to do this. I would always be so scared of not being in the Will of God that I would consult godly counsel hoping that maybe they will have that Rhema word so many talk about. I sometimes feel bad after telling one my issues, even if they give great advice b/c many times they tell you what you already know, you just wanted to hear it come from another human, and then you end up feeling worse b/c now another one knows your issues and you PRAY they don't repeat it.

3.)Do you journal your thoughts? Back when I was younger, keeping a diary was the in thing, so it didn't take much effort for me write in it, but now, I just don't feel like it. I have been trying to find other ways to communicate with the Lord vs vocal prayer b/c I am NOT good at it. Words fail me. It's like my mouth and brain don't link when it comes to prayer. I am just now getting to the point of being honest and transparent with God via prayer (like He doesn't already know:rolleyes:) and it bothers me the stuff that comes out of my mouth when I am honest:blush: I was taught you should never get mad at God, tell Him when you are disappointed, etc etc so it's taking me a lot of processing to get to where I can shout out to God whether it's due to anger or being hurt w/o feeling like I committed the inpardonable. I feel less of a Christian b/c sometimes I use other things ie, speaking to God through my thoughts, reading books, our listening to christian gospel to 'speak' for me.

4.) Do you think that there's a fine line b/t 'speaking it into existence' and lying:look:

5.) Does anyone get frustrated with God, like He's not there? Do you hear about others problems and wonder , 'geez God, can't you give this person a Word so they know without a shadow of a doubt You are speaking to them?' Yes, the Bible is our guidance, but a whole lotta times, I need God to speak to Me and make it more personal. I still haven't mastered 'hearing' from Him and I believe if I do hear from Him, I'll be like 'Lord, another sign please cause I don't know if it was really You!!!' :lachen:

6.) Do you believe pets are a blessing :grin: I :love: my dog. I can't believe she's brought so much joy in my life to the point of me not wanting to think about us being a part. I can't find any scripture in the Bible referring to animals going to heaven, but if you do, show me:grin:
1.) What exactly is joy? If you have a bad day and get angry/sad, and one tells you that you have allowed the enemy to steal your joy, do you believe this? This leads me to my other question- do you believe that sometimes one can be so spiritually minded that they are no earthly good? Why is one considered fleshly if they react in the physical realm, ie, crying, getting angry (but not sinning), being a bit selfish at time, etc etc. We ALL have experienced this, but it seems like we can forget this and bypass it with well intentioned, but sometime harmful comments. ( I think everyone can say they are guilty of this:yep: )

2.) Have you mastered keeping your issues to yourself? I've made a mental choice to do this. I would always be so scared of not being in the Will of God that I would consult godly counsel hoping that maybe they will have that Rhema word so many talk about. I sometimes feel bad after telling one my issues, even if they give great advice b/c many times they tell you what you already know, you just wanted to hear it come from another human, and then you end up feeling worse b/c now another one knows your issues and you PRAY they don't repeat it.

3.)Do you journal your thoughts? Back when I was younger, keeping a diary was the in thing, so it didn't take much effort for me write in it, but now, I just don't feel like it. I have been trying to find other ways to communicate with the Lord vs vocal prayer b/c I am NOT good at it. Words fail me. It's like my mouth and brain don't link when it comes to prayer. I am just now getting to the point of being honest and transparent with God via prayer (like He doesn't already know:rolleyes:) and it bothers me the stuff that comes out of my mouth when I am honest:blush: I was taught you should never get mad at God, tell Him when you are disappointed, etc etc so it's taking me a lot of processing to get to where I can shout out to God whether it's due to anger or being hurt w/o feeling like I committed the inpardonable. I feel less of a Christian b/c sometimes I use other things ie, speaking to God through my thoughts, reading books, our listening to christian gospel to 'speak' for me.

4.) Do you think that there's a fine line b/t 'speaking it into existence' and lying:look:

5.) Does anyone get frustrated with God, like He's not there? Do you hear about others problems and wonder , 'geez God, can't you give this person a Word so they know without a shadow of a doubt You are speaking to them?' Yes, the Bible is our guidance, but a whole lotta times, I need God to speak to Me and make it more personal. I still haven't mastered 'hearing' from Him and I believe if I do hear from Him, I'll be like 'Lord, another sign please cause I don't know if it was really You!!!' :lachen:

6.) Do you believe pets are a blessing :grin: I :love: my dog. I can't believe she's brought so much joy in my life to the point of me not wanting to think about us being a part. I can't find any scripture in the Bible referring to animals going to heaven, but if you do, show me:grin:

Hey bubblin,

You have asked alot of questions. I'm only going to answer what the Lord has placed in my spirit, ok?

Regarding hearing from the Lord....that comes from spending time with prayer and His word. I'm sure you already know this, as you have stated, but I am going to share with you what is in my heart, ok?:yep:

In order to hear His voice, you must be in a position to do so...and from what I gather with what you have written, I believe you are having some struggles in this particular area.

My prayer for you today is that you will seek after God with your whole heart. And that you will understand what His plan is directly for your life.
Also, that you will not allow the enemy to keep you in a place of unrest.

Don't get me wrong..I'm not saying you don't seek after Him, but what I'm saying is that you must soley give yourself to Him and stay in His presence and hear His like Jacob when he said "....I'm not leaving until you bless me." Don't leave His presence until you know His voice.

Jesus said that "my sheep will know my voice, and the voice of a stranger they will not follow."

I'll be praying for you, sis.

Blessings to you, always.
1.) What exactly is joy? If you have a bad day and get angry/sad, and one tells you that you have allowed the enemy to steal your joy, do you believe this? This leads me to my other question- do you believe that sometimes one can be so spiritually minded that they are no earthly good? Why is one considered fleshly if they react in the physical realm, ie, crying, getting angry (but not sinning), being a bit selfish at time, etc etc. We ALL have experienced this, but it seems like we can forget this and bypass it with well intentioned, but sometime harmful comments. ( I think everyone can say they are guilty of this:yep: )

2.) Have you mastered keeping your issues to yourself? I've made a mental choice to do this. I would always be so scared of not being in the Will of God that I would consult godly counsel hoping that maybe they will have that Rhema word so many talk about. I sometimes feel bad after telling one my issues, even if they give great advice b/c many times they tell you what you already know, you just wanted to hear it come from another human, and then you end up feeling worse b/c now another one knows your issues and you PRAY they don't repeat it.

3.)Do you journal your thoughts? Back when I was younger, keeping a diary was the in thing, so it didn't take much effort for me write in it, but now, I just don't feel like it. I have been trying to find other ways to communicate with the Lord vs vocal prayer b/c I am NOT good at it. Words fail me. It's like my mouth and brain don't link when it comes to prayer. I am just now getting to the point of being honest and transparent with God via prayer (like He doesn't already know:rolleyes:) and it bothers me the stuff that comes out of my mouth when I am honest:blush: I was taught you should never get mad at God, tell Him when you are disappointed, etc etc so it's taking me a lot of processing to get to where I can shout out to God whether it's due to anger or being hurt w/o feeling like I committed the inpardonable. I feel less of a Christian b/c sometimes I use other things ie, speaking to God through my thoughts, reading books, our listening to christian gospel to 'speak' for me.

4.) Do you think that there's a fine line b/t 'speaking it into existence' and lying:look:

5.) Does anyone get frustrated with God, like He's not there? Do you hear about others problems and wonder , 'geez God, can't you give this person a Word so they know without a shadow of a doubt You are speaking to them?' Yes, the Bible is our guidance, but a whole lotta times, I need God to speak to Me and make it more personal. I still haven't mastered 'hearing' from Him and I believe if I do hear from Him, I'll be like 'Lord, another sign please cause I don't know if it was really You!!!' :lachen:

6.) Do you believe pets are a blessing :grin: I :love: my dog. I can't believe she's brought so much joy in my life to the point of me not wanting to think about us being a part. I can't find any scripture in the Bible referring to animals going to heaven, but if you do, show me:grin:

I struggle with 1 and 5 Joy goes hand in hand with faith and obedience
when you are in right standing with God by excercising obedience and trusting Him you then can have peace and joy no matter what's going on or being said around you. When Christ is our focus we can have Joy.

:lachen:BubblingBrown! Why did I see myself saying these things!

I hear you girl!

  1. When you find this out...let a sista know! :yep:
  2. God bless with that! LOL. It's hard because you are also telling others as a sound board your issue. But you never know if God led you to that person to get another perspective or something naw mean.
  3. Oh girl! I feel you! Get out of my head. I'll write in my journal about everything else but not to God. I have a hard time praying out loud or talking to him outloud when I'm hurt. So I'll just sit there and think it like a silent shout with my face looking all screwed up! LOL
  4. Hmmm good question but I don't think so. To me speaking into existence is future tense; thus the "into" part. Lying is just plan lying.
  5. :lachen:I concur!
  6. Unfortunately, I don't think so. I want me a yorkie or maltesse something bad!
P.S. Shouldn't you be in Philly some time this month?
:lachen:BubblingBrown! Why did I see myself saying these things!

I hear you girl!

  1. When you find this out...let a sista know! :yep:
  2. God bless with that! LOL. It's hard because you are also telling others as a sound board your issue. But you never know if God led you to that person to get another perspective or something naw mean.
  3. Oh girl! I feel you! Get out of my head. I'll write in my journal about everything else but not to God. I have a hard time praying out loud or talking to him outloud when I'm hurt. So I'll just sit there and think it like a silent shout with my face looking all screwed up! LOL
  4. Hmmm good question but I don't think so. To me speaking into existence is future tense; thus the "into" part. Lying is just plan lying.
  5. :lachen:I concur!
  6. Unfortunately, I don't think so. I want me a yorkie or maltesse something bad!
P.S. Shouldn't you be in Philly some time this month?

It was last month that they had a meeting. I planned on attending but the date snuck up on me.