Real Security Comes From God Alone


Well-Known Member
Some thoughts.....

A few years ago, I thought I knew what brought security. I was misled by the trappings of what I thought was security - a good job, money in the bank,and good people in your life. No doubt, those things are blessings that we ought to be thankful for, but over the last couple of years my beliefs have changed.

Loved ones, people I hold near and dear lost jobs, money, friends and loved ones. Just like that, people lost everything they'd come to know and depend on. Tons of my classmates - people who followed the alleged path to success- could not find jobs in their chosen fields. They had worked hard to achieve their goals, but the reality was tough, the economy shaky, the jobs difficult to find.

Many went on to get graduate degrees, acquiring more debt in the process, but that too led to disappointment for many...increased debt, no work and/or low pay.

Looking in , it's scary. Today you can have everything, tomorrow it can be gone. We've often heard this of course, but it's difficult to see it or experience it. I thought I knew all about security, but I did not.

The only real security comes from God. I can't rely on anything or anyone but God. Not on a certificate, degree, job, personal property or people. None of it can bring me or give me the peace that God offers. Today they're here, tomorrow they can be gone; they're like grass. Yet God is unchangeable from age to age. I thank God for His blessings, but I thank Him so much for showing me that I can always depend on Him. Nothing and noone can ever compare to Him.

Psalm 18:2
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
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Thanks for posting. Things and people are fluid but I'm so glad that God is the same yesterday and today. He is my hope and strength.

I agree.. the only security is in God, the Father. Psalms 91 keeps me focused on this thought. Love my DH, my people, my friends, but no one compares to Almighty God.