Real life Rapunzel: now this is long hair! 7ft 10in

She looks WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Younger than 52. Rather than her haircare regimen, I need her skin/body/health regimen:yep:

As for her hair, I don't think I could handle that, but blessings to her if she enjoys having that much hair, who am I to complain?

Although, she could give me like 2 feet of hers:yep:

felt nautious as I scrolled down, at least we know what we not the only peopl that deal with see through ends!
It looks like she definitely uses oil in her regimen. :perplexed

I would be scared of hanging myself with hair that long. :sad:
I notice people commenting on her ends. When she was waistlength she found a hair care forum and the rest is history!LOL!:lachen:
WOW! Does she wrap it around her arm and carry it? I would be afraid that someone would step on it if she didn't.
I was thinking the same thing! Her hair strands have a long, long life. Just think what could be achieved through gene therapy!
I KNOW RIGHT! THEY NEEEED TO MAKE SOME TYPE OF CURE FOR THAT. Even the richest of folks wear weave. Something must be done! :lachen:
She may get the record though if she keeps going.
Not for me though. Everything from breast down needs to go, because it looks stragley.
Yeah its not nice, I mean why would you? All that work growing it that long for what? Give me bra strap or waist but not that!

I was thinking the same thing. That's where her thickness seems to be...waist length. Too too much hair!