Re-texturize with Linange Shea Butter Texturizer or Linange Shea Butter Relaxer?


New Member
I relaxed my hair last month with Linange Texturizer.

While I was expecting it to be gentle, I thought it would relax my hair a wee bit more than it actually did. I would like my curls a little looser.

In fact, wet, my hair almost looks the same as it does natural; it's just shinier and more manageable. I would like looser curls so that I can wear a wash and go look.

My question is, has anyone re-applied the texturizer over previously texurized hair? I would like to try that and maybe leave it on a little longer? Or should I use the relaxer over the texturizer in hopes that will get me the texture I'm looking for?

Any tips you all could give would be great.

Overall though, I will say my hair looks healthy and feels strong; there has been very little shedding (no more than normal) however, I would recommend that anyone using this brand should take extra precaution deep condition with a super moisturizing conditioner.

I noticed the week after the texturizer, my hair began to feel a little dry. That weekend I super deep conditioned and it felt great. Now the deep moisturizing conditioner is a part of my regular routine.
A few questions?
How long did you leave it?
How much did you smooth?
Was your hair naked prior to applying the creme?
My Journey,

I left it on about 15 minutes, smoothed it about 4-5 minutes and it was applied over new growth of about 5-6 inches and then smoothed out to the ends of previous relaxed hair.

A texturizer is only meant to make the natural curl looser, so if you have lets say 4a4b hair. It will look closer to 4a3c.. The texturizer is not going to take the hair to the look if relaxed hair or even texlaxed hair, It is the mildest "relaxer".

Asses how you hair looks now and decide how straight you want to go.

I TU 2 weeks ago and still wanted to go straighter, I decided that since I was already waved up from the TU, I wanted less wave. I left the relaxer on for 10 from start to finish. Mind you this is not my first corrective so I kind of had an idea what I was doing. If you are nervous I suggest going to a salon
Do NOT apply the relaxer over the texturizer. They are two different kinds of chemicals - I've read books on this and they say this is basically hair suicide!!! If anything, leave the texturizer on for longer unless it's burning.
From what I have read a sodium hydroxide relaxer can be done over a relaxer with the agents, lithium or calcium hydroxide. My stylists used to go back and forth without my knowledge at the time (now that I think back this is what she did) without adverse reactions.

Leaving a texturizer on longer is not what is going to get her hair straighter, she will have to do alot of smoothing.

I say just speak to a liscensed cosmotoligist about this, we have a few on the board. Post a new thread seeking their advice.
Oh, when she said texturizer I assumed she was using Ammonium Thioglycolate. I also have switched relaxers back and forth (lye vs. no lye) with no problems, so if that's what she is using I don't see a problem with it.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone! I think I am going to give it another go with the texturizer, leave it on a bit longer and do A LOT of smoothing! If this doesn't work, then I'll switch to the relaxer.

I used to texlax before, but was growing my hair out and wanted to do something less damaging, hence the reason I chose the texturizer.

I was quite pleased with the fact my scalp did not burn one bit. I normally texlax with SE; that would burn the crap out of my scalp!!!

Thanks again. I will reapply and then post photos. I am also attempting to grow my hair as well; currently it is apl; I'm shooting for bsl or longer!
I say stick with texturizing. It is more gentle on your hair and you could do a longer stretch than you can with relaxing. My hair thrived with a texturizer. I basically wash n goed every day. I had no idea how to do other styles. My hair looked awesome with very little effort.
Thanks for the response DD! Congrats on the weightloss too!

Your welcome. Is Alter Lineage a lye or no lye texturizer? I used a lye texturizer called S curl and no matter how long I left it on or smoothed it, my hair never got strait. I am seriously kicking myself because my hair grew so fast with it. It is because I used S curl and did not manipulate it. My hair never gets strait with lye. No lye, I get strait with no smoothing at all.