Re: IJE OIL --- Corn Oil??? Any users? (or precautions???)


Well-Known Member
I love Kemi Oyl!!! but I'm really digging the way this IJE Hair & Body Oil with Vitamin E plus Shea Butter is feeling on my hair.

I'd been outside for 4 hrs which dried out my hair. I used my Kemi Oyl, but a few hours later my hair still felt dry. I haven't figured out the whole wet then oil thing just yet (water/wet does some weird stuff to my hair) so I applied the IJE and wah-lah! I'm good to go.

Looking at the ingredients (as we know Kemi has their list on lock), IJE lists corn oil firsts. I remember reading that whatever is listed first is what is the most in the product. Even though I don't know what the percentage differences are with the rest of the prodcucts I wanted to know HAVE YOU ALL EVER HEARD OF USING CORN OIL FOR THE HAIR??? I don't remember reading it and I couldn't find a post on it anywhere. IS CORN OIL SOMETHING TO STAY AWAY FROM??? (I know there are several other oils that are probably better, but are there any warnings associated with corn oil???)

I have noticed that it is listed in several products like Nexxus and Carol's Daughter just to name a few. (AKA Zea Mays).

The smell doesn't beat Kemi though ;-(

Here is the product info:
Name: IJE Hair and Body Oil with Vitamin E plus Shea Butter
Description: Protects, conditions, moisturizes, and softens hair, skin, and nails.
Uses: daily grooming, blow drying, braiding, bath and body
Ingredients: Corn oil, Safflower oil, Apricot oil, sunflower oil, shea butter oil, fragrance, vitamin E [tocopherol]

Any users or comments???
Never used it but I think corn oil should be cool. It generally a cheaper oil so that's probably why it is majority corn oil
I have never used it either.
You are right about Kemi having that product list on lock!
Man, this took forever but I finally found something. says this about corn oil:

Corn oil (zea mays) contains linoleic acid, a member of the omega-6 family of essential fatty acids, which helps to moisturize and condition the hair shaft. Essential fatty acids promote overall elasticity, pliability, and sheen in the hair. In addition, corn oil is also used in hair care products as it quickly penetrates into the hair, which optimizes the efficacy of the other active ingredients. Corn oil is used in the production of soaps and shampoos as it functions as a lubricant.

I THINK I FOUND A WINNER!!! I'm gonna use it for the rest of this week and see whatelse may unravel!
Thanks ladies!

**If you get a minute, check out this site on hair care stuff
very interesting stuff**