Razac looking for Hair Models


New Member
Hey guys,
I just heard on the radio that Razac is looking for models. They will be at Webster Hall (NYC) on May 13th at night (I didn't catch what time). I think we should go and represent for LHCF. They are looking for youthful looks and and all colors and hair types.For those serious about it you need a comp card (whatever that is) and headshots. Lets do it!!
I'm down!
CBG...what are they looking for exactly. My girlfriend works for a hair mag and always has model calls and believe me...they want to color and cut your hair all kinds of crazy and you may get paid 250 or so.... so find out exactly what they want and see if its worth it. But if you just wanna go and rep (and see the others)...that would be fun
I think it would be fun. I can't beleive no one else is interested. Oh well, bumipidy bump bump for anyone who may have missed it.
I'm interested - but good head shots are about $300....


Can't do it right now. I might have to stop buying conditioner!