I have a question for my Euro sisters: I need RAW, RAW, RAW shea butter. I need it BADLY! I have been looking all over and have been unable to find it in the UK. My last resort is to have it shipped from the US and I don't want to do it. :(

Do any of you know where I can find raw shea butter in the UK ONLINE? I have to order it online since I'm in another country in the EU.

Also, an alternative would be Oyin's products (they have a butter, but I forget the name). If you know where I can order Oyin IN THE UK ONLINE, please let me know?

My tresses are desperately in need of some raw shea butter. :nono:
www.cebraonline.com is GREEEAAATT!!! they have loads of vegan fairtrade products. It's a gold mine. And they have whipped shea butter too; it's very soft and creamy, prefer it to the block....a lot of hair shops have it too. They have it in wembley.
Thank you so much ladies! I really appreciate it! I ordered from Akoma Skincare (thanks Shakira) and I'm looking forward to finally being able to have my natural products again! Thank you Euro sisters! :)