Ravi Zacharias Cancer Prognosis


Active Member
To those who do not know Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias has been diagnosed with cancer and the doctors have advised that they have exhausted all treatment options.
I’m so heartbroken it feels like it’s happening to a close uncle of mine. He is one scholar who helped me gain a deeper understanding of my beliefs and how to defend my faith.
I hope you will join me in praying for him and his family. Whatever happens, may God be glorified.
To those who do not know Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias has been diagnosed with cancer and the doctors have advised that they have exhausted all treatment options.
I’m so heartbroken it feels like it’s happening to a close uncle of mine. He is one scholar who helped me gain a deeper understanding of my beliefs and how to defend my faith.
I hope you will join me in praying for him and his family. Whatever happens, may God be glorified.

Amen and amen!
I pray that the Lord of hosts, Jehovah Rapha will heal Ravi Zacharias and show him and everyone a token of His goodness, mercy and love.

Thanks @Rumbii for the haeds up. God bless.
Let God be praised -- we shall believe the report of The Lord. Faith over facts. Ravi Zacharias is healed in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
It appears this man wasn’t what he portrayed:

Thanks @Belle Du Jour for posting this.

This is just awful. I had often wondered how he (being male, with all their entitlement issues, and a preacher with satan ready to attack) 'coped' with travelling and being away from his wife and family so much. I assumed (and hoped) that his commitment to the Lord was such that he relied on Father, Son and Holy Ghost to keep him.

I see I was wrong. This is truly disheartening, yet I'm so inured to pastors 'falling' that I'm not shocked to my core. Isn't that sad?
I pray for the day when people's actions line up with their words, and both sheep and 'shepherds' live in the love, fear and honour of Christ. God is able; may we be willing.

No matter what, the Lord's name will always be holy and great and worthy of all praise. He will always be worthy of all surrender, glory and worship. He is above all things! Glory to His majestic name!

Thanks again for the heads up.

ETA: She basically summed up my thoughts on the matter:

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Unfortunately, there are a lot of Christians living double lives. Satan was an angel of light and there was pride and hatred in his heart. After the previous election cycle, I side eye MOST Christians. Being able to quote scripture or speak in tongues or dress modestly means nothing. That's why Jesus kept hammering that it's not what goes IN that defiles a person. It's what's already in the heart. Nothing surprises me anymore. :nono:
Unfortunately, there are a lot of Christians living double lives. Satan was an angel of light and there was pride and hatred in his heart. After the previous election cycle, I side eye MOST Christians. Being able to quote scripture or speak in tongues or dress modestly means nothing. That's why Jesus kept hammering that it's not what goes IN that defiles a person. It's what's already in the heart. Nothing surprises me anymore. :nono:
Agreed. But it's also worth remembering that even while literally walking with Jesus, the disciples displayed some pretty terrible behaviour (e.g., telling Jesus to send the Syrophoenician woman away, having no compassion for her or her demon-afflicted daughter). Some people are false converts and others are still being pruned and purified by God. There are so many whose minds are yet to be renewed by God's word, so they're still operating in the flesh with bitterness, gossip, malice, self-centredness, self-righteousness, hatred, immorality, racism, etc. We need to return to God's Word and let His Spirit guide us into all truth and empty our hearts of all that defiles, we need to cooperate with God to catch and kill the little foxes.

I pray that those living double lives will pick a side. If they are for God, let them be all for God; if not, let them not be. But truly, only God can separate the sheep from the goats. Until then, may His Spirit direct us, correct us, strengthen us and give us wisdom and discernment.

Be blessed in the name of Jesus.