man, yall are so late... I have been raving about this product for some time now... LOL...
I love the revatilizing wax... First used, when got hair done at a dominician salon... I wanted to buy the leave-in \ conditioner but it cost $25 at the store, after searching high and low, found it for $20 dollars... I know, I know it sounds like a lot, but trust a lil goes a long way... LOL...
I was actually trying to find more products from this line, when I posted about KUZ...found out it is now being sold in duane reades in NYC... for a fraction of the price... I brought a different conditioner, same size, and paid $10... it so worth every dime of money... When I am nearing my 10 weeks I know not to use any other conditioner, because I take no chances with new growth, and so far this has been doing wonders with slippage for new grwoth....