Rave Review: Flaxseed Oil


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Listen to this...previously I've always had a dandruff issue and 3 days after washing, my scalp would flake and itch something fierce. So like 4 weeks ago, i bought the GNC flaxseed oil capsules and started taking 1 a day. After 3 weeks I noticed that I do not have dandruff anymore and I can go a whole week without my scalp itching. I am now able to wash my hair every saturday instead of 2x/ week!! Okay anyways, last week i had some sort of stomache virus so I haven't been taking my vites at all for the whole week. Man, I washed on Saturday, and the following tuesday... my head is itching something fierce again! I'm going to wash today and start taking 3 capsules a day cause I am getting my touch-up on tuesday.

If anyone has dandruff or itching problems, I'd highly recommend flaxseed oil!!Thanks for listening!
I swear by flaxseed oil!!! I swallow 1-2 tbsps a day or I add it to my morning O.J. I'm kicking myself though because I ran out about three weeks ago and work has been HECTIC so I haven't had a chance to go to the store to buy more.
I too had problems with dry scalp and itching and come to think of it my scalp has been going CRAZY :eek: the past two weeks....time to go to the health food store :lol:
Nylady, I was looking for a tasty flaxseed oil.. Is that a myth? and are all oils the same because I have one that I bought from Wal Mart.
I too take flaxseed oil capsules (once a day). I no longer have itchy or dry scalp. I also noticed that my skin (especially my face) isn't as dry as it normally it is. I use a generic brand from Kroger.
That's funny because I noticed my dandruff stopped when I stopped relaxing my hair in 1999.

Flaxseed oil has made my skin really soft...and my hair is always changing so it is hard for me to really tell what it is doing for my hair.
I take flaxseed oil pills (1200mcg) 1 or 2 times a day. My skin is smooth and glowing. Also I noticed that I don't have to oil/grease my scalp as often.

I take flaxseed and Centrum daily. I take the Biotin and MSM but I take these like every other day.

Eboni-I sent you a pm. :)
When I was taking flaxseed oil regularly, my skin was clear and no flakes on my scalp.

This is great motivation for me to start it up again.
Hearing all these supplements is sad for me. I currently take womens one a day and a Rx iron pill. I used to take more herbals supplements but it denatured the effectiveness of my other prescription. Does anyone know of other ways to get flaxseed oil in my diet? I heard fish. Is there a liquid supplement? I rather not take a risk since my rx is for endometriosis and I rather scratch my scalp then to have extreme pain.
mscounselor said:
Hearing all these supplements is sad for me. I currently take womens one a day and a Rx iron pill. I used to take more herbals supplements but it denatured the effectiveness of my other prescription. Does anyone know of other ways to get flaxseed oil in my diet? I heard fish. Is there a liquid supplement? I rather not take a risk since my rx is for endometriosis and I rather scratch my scalp then to have extreme pain.

Just take the oil form.
tuffCOOKiE said:
Nylady, I was looking for a tasty flaxseed oil.. Is that a myth? and are all oils the same because I have one that I bought from Wal Mart.
TuffCookie I don't think there is such a thing. I have to swallow it fast if I take it straight. But normally I add it to my OJ and I barely notice it. But, I hear you it tastes kind of funny.
I take 2 tsp of liquid flaxseed oil everyday. I've been doing this for about a week and a half. It's wonderful for the skin - haven't noticed any benefits for my hair yet - it stays in a bun. I have no digestion/stomach problems as I am used to...

Is anyone with oily skin taking this? I have a dry scalp, but oily skin...especially my forehead. The flaxseed sounds good, but will it make my shiny forehead look even shinier...greasy? :perplexed

If not, then I'll give it a try! Thanks!
I have oily skin, and I haven't noticed it being oiler per se. My skin is clearer than clear tho. I still have to use blotting tissues throughout the day, but other than that, I'm glowing :yep: Others have assumed it was the newlywed glow, but I think to myself, 'nah, it's the flaxseed oil' :lachen:
okay I just went to the ladies restroom to do a quick hair/face/outfit check-up. And I just have to say that my scalp is a HOT MESS!!! I cannot believe the dandruff that i have..i mean I have these mega extra large flakes especially along my hairline.... My whole hairline is sooo flaky. I just washed my hair Saturday... I cannot believe it!!! This is my last time that I fall off of my flaxseed routine.... I desperately need it!!!

sorry to gross u guys out :look:
andreamaria said:
I have oily skin, and I haven't noticed it being oiler per se. My skin is clearer than clear tho. I still have to use blotting tissues throughout the day, but other than that, I'm glowing :yep: Others have assumed it was the newlywed glow, but I think to myself, 'nah, it's the flaxseed oil' :lachen:

Hehehe...Thanks! I just didn't want an extra glow to my forehead:) I think I'll go buy some Friday.