RAVE: Nacidit Honey & Almond Conditioner


Well-Known Member
Oh ladies, I'm in love...just the name of it made me swoon but when it arrived and I opened it...the smell is just :love:! I washed with Nexxus Therappe and then added the Nacidit Honey and Almond conditioner, slapped on my plastic cap and went to bed. When I rinsed out in the morning, my hair was so soft and moisturized with very little shedding! And the smell was just wow! This conditioner is definately a keeper!
Miss_Jetsetter said:
Good for you! I love Dominican Conditioners with a passion! I'm glad that you liked it!

I think I've fallen for the Nacidit line period. I also have their Avacado conditioner and my roommate loves their Olive Oil conditioner.

I also bought the Caplio Aloe Vera off of sickbay but haven't tried it yet. :p