RANT: "Stop bein a wimp and relax your hair!"

It doesn't sound like jealously. It sounds more like pure misinformation. I dont like to talk about hair with others who dont understand my hair interests and concerns.

People beyond this hair board find certain hair practices bizarre and potentially dangerous to your hair and theirs. So your roommate's comments do not surprise me.
If she hadn't brought up the not neutralizing your hair tidbit, I would be likely to believe she is not jealous. But she is obviously trying to set you up, and if that ain't jealousy I don't know what is. :nono:
This is what my lovely and eloquent suitemate told me last night when I was doing my henna treatment..
I thought I was going to relax this week but my hair was too moisturized and I didn't have an adequate amount of neutralizer so I have to wait a couple more weeks.
My suitemate gets on my nerves about hair..when I was rinsing off the hendigo (which is REALLY hard to do..the indigo sticks to the hair so badly) she was like "Stop wasting water!!"
And when I was going to wash out the deep conditioner this morning she added in another comment "Why are you always doing all these hair treatments, your hair is gonna fall out"
Generally, I just LOL at whatever she says..she thinks that I'm weird for doing treatments to my hair and she says that I should use shampoo (which I do..I use herbal essences shampoo..) but it's starting to get on my nerves because I would like to just do my hair without getting crap from somebody..doing hair is supposed to be relaxing.

We also had a debate on if you need neutralizer to do a relaxer :ohwell: She said that I didn't really need neutralizer because I hadn't relaxed my hair in so long that it wouldn't make a difference..:nono: *sigh*

Any other ladies that get crap from people (i.e. college ladies that have to live with other people..lol.) about their hair?

In my Freshman year of college my roommate and I had a similar experience. I had it even worse than her though. We were two of 5 black females in our Resident Hall, and we were reminded of it everyday! Since we had community bathrooms, everyone would always look at us like we had 3 heads when we did our hair. I was just going natural back then, and wasn't as addicted to hair boards as I am now. All of my white friends told me to comb my hair everyday so it would grow. When I told them that the comb hurt and I'd rather not, but it's fine if they choose to comb their hair everyday, they :nono:. I'm so thankful I didn't listen to them. I colored my hair a few times, so I was DC'ing about every 3 days. They all looked at me like I was crazy, and told me my hair was going to fall out.:lachen:
See I'm going to get on you for not putting her in her place from the start.

Once folks try to offer me their "advice" and I tell them to STFU I don't want to hear anything else ESPECIALLY when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

The bald leading the plentiful hair ones. Kick rocks!!!
Girl if you were my roomate and i had EL hair, (which I have had most of my life) I would be taking notes on er'thang you be doing to your hair
and copy copy copy.

I would be right behind you going girl save some hot water I gotta rinse my Henna too! :rofl:
PLEASE tell her that you need to use neutralizing shampoo everytime you relax. I can't believe people actually don't use it:nono:

I hate when people always try to give you unnecessary advice about your hair.

You know what you need to do for your hair. Just ignore her.
*ahem* hater!! :giggle: .. I use to get commentary from my suitemates when I washed my hair.. my same roommate now was the one who always had a comment about me washing my hair frequently, always having it wet and airdrying, stretching my relaxers for 6months..blah blah blah... pay her no mind.. and continue to do what you do.. she'll always have an opinion ..when your hair is WL and beyond..she'll be in there trying to do a treatment or 2 herself.