RANT: My Ex made a YouTube video...


New Member
....in which he loosely refers to me as 'evil'. :ohwell: (And I know he's talking about me. He's only had one other girlfriend and that was all the way back in high school)

He also comments on how 'you can think a woman is smart, intelligent, good people, have a really good heart loyal...but then you find out that all she is is fine'.

I openly admit that this relationship went awry and i'll take my 50/50 share of the blame. But I think making a YouTube video discussing and celebrating how shallow men are is extremely childish! :nono:

I mean DANG HOMIE, WHY DO I HAVE TO BE EVIL????? Because I won't accept your calls?? :rolleyes: Arrgh, move on! Shoot, we were supposed to contact each other at the beginning of 2010 but I'm too upset to even think about EVER giving him another chance...with the little limp wang, poo poo face and stank attitude. And let's not start on the crooked teeth and bald spot!

lol im sorry but what an idiot he has no life and chance of getting back in yours by doing something this dumb
How old is he????
Be happy he is an ex.

28. Too darn old for these shenanigans IMO.

That is super trifling AND bitter!

How did you find out about the video?

He and his roommates have a YouTube channel that I used to subscribe to - they're actually pretty funny. But when we broke up, I set a filter in my email to send the messages straight to the trash. A mutual FaceBook friend of ours sent me the link.
Keep your head up and keep on moving. The best revenge is to know that you are not what he say you are. If you keep your head up, people who knows you will know he is just bitter and jilted.
with the little limp wang, poo poo face and stank attitude. And let's not start on the crooked teeth and bald spot!

^^^:lol:This is why he made the vid...he knew you weren't coming back in 2010. :lol: He was lucky to have you as long as he did.

What a bi-yatch! :rofl: I don't blame you for being turned off.
Let it go girl. Don't call for the new year either.

Be thankful he only made a you-tube and kept it clandestine.

PS: Please don't post the link to the vid. :nono:
....in which he loosely refers to me as 'evil'. :ohwell: (And I know he's talking about me. He's only had one other girlfriend and that was all the way back in high school)

He also comments on how 'you can think a woman is smart, intelligent, good people, have a really good heart loyal...but then you find out that all she is is fine'.

I openly admit that this relationship went awry and i'll take my 50/50 share of the blame. But I think making a YouTube video discussing and celebrating how shallow men are is extremely childish! :nono:

I mean DANG HOMIE, WHY DO I HAVE TO BE EVIL????? Because I won't accept your calls?? :rolleyes: Arrgh, move on! Shoot, we were supposed to contact each other at the beginning of 2010 but I'm too upset to even think about EVER giving him another chance...with the little limp wang, poo poo face and stank attitude. And let's not start on the crooked teeth and bald spot!


Im sorry I know your ranting but I am so dead with this line!
Did he call you out by name?

He's a biter loser that just wants to be back with you.

Be glad you're rid of him.

No, he did not call me out by name. But he's only had 2 girlfriends and he never spoke ill of the first one - AT ALL. Our mutual friend said that 'although he didn't call you out by name, you can infer that at least some of what he's saying is about you' :rolleyes:

Im sorry I know your ranting but I am so dead with this line!

I was hot yesterday! :angry2: Today, I'm tepid/lukewarm. :smirk: :lachen:
Girl, if that is really you in your siggy picture, I would just forget his lousy butt and continue to be "fabulous"! Just do you! :yep:

I wouldn't even give him a second thought. We can't really "prove" who he was talking about in his youtube rant anyway, and plus if he's that "pressed" to the point where he has to make a public youtube VIDEO about his rant, then he has a lot of baggage and hasn't gotten over whatever it is that he's upset about.

So, he's probably not in the position right now to be in a really good relationship.
I'm sure the mutual friend was telling you from a mutual friend standpoint, but maybe this should be their last " I thougt you shoudl know" moment??I mean at this point, you are aware of what he thinks, be it (only) angry words or not. Clearly the ex doesn't think highly of himself (we do get back via YouTube now?? at 28) and from the video, he doesn't (although emotionally charged adn pumped up by his boys I'm sure) think highly of you...uhm..bad for business. Also, uh...I saw the siggy pic...if you don't get somewhere and GET SOMEWHERE WITH IT!! LOL.. I hate to be one of those females thats says to a perfect stranger "you can do better"...oh wait..I just said it.

Girl, bottomline..oh boy could have came to you real and spoken TO YOU about whatever he said in the video. If you weren't answering his calls, there are e-mails, texts, letters, etc...technology makes physical avoidance a little difficult these days. No excuse..I'm sorry...there isn't.

